Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Still, Small Voice

 Still, Small Voice

A coach has to protect his/her voice! This is from January 8, 2012.

I've never actually watched the show but I've sat through plenty of commercials for The Voice, the singing contest on NBC. From what I can gather, several celebrity singers pick from a number of auditioning contestants with the catch they can only hear their voice with no idea of their appearance. I like that idea. We are swayed so much by looks anymore, especially it seems in the entertainment business. On this show, it's the voice that counts. 

 That's where I introduce myself into this story. As of this moment, I have no voice. Four basketball games in a space of twenty hours over the weekend has reduced my voice to a whisper. Today, I asked a brother to cover my duties as the speaker for communion in our Chinese congregation and I passed, with regret, the opportunity to pray during our English service tonight. It's just not easy for me to be understood right now. By tomorrow, I will be back to almost normal, Lord willing. It's not a bad thing, necessarily, reducing the quantity of words coming from my mouth. In my Gospels classes, as we study the Sermon on the Mount, we see how Jesus makes a number of points in how we use our voices. In Job 6, verse 24, the man with all the problems pleads with the Lord, "Teach me, and I will be quiet.'' Maybe the Lord has a lesson in mind for me or maybe even multiple lessons. When we teach and coach girls, every word and comment is saved in twelve year old memory banks, along with the body language accompanying the jargon. I'll be speaking softly tomorrow; it might just be a blessing to a number of youngsters.

Applicable quote of the day:
"The human voice is the organ of the soul."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

God bless,
uke 18:1

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