Monday, October 02, 2023

On Our Side

 On Our Side

We have had our two prescribed by law fire drill so far this school year. The kids don't realize the danger that fire poses. This is from September 21, 2011 about one of my favorite students ever!

We saw a tough video in high school chapel yesterday. It was about the wildfires devastating Texas and it was powerful. Our high school chapter of the National Honor Society, led by Audrey Redd, made a presentation, asking our student body and faculty to donate non-perishable goods for those who lost all possessions to the blaze. Our school will respond; we always do. As I watched, I imagined what I would do if this happened to my family. Like many of us, I would drain my bank account for those I love. I just hope I never have to prove it.

Today, in my fifth period eighth grade class, I talked to the kids about helping and I mentioned Kelsey, sitting in the second row, third seat. You see, Kelsey enrolled at WCS last January. Within weeks of her arriving, her house burned down. Immediately, our Westbury Christian family went into action, collecting household goods and taking cash donations for this family who were still almost strangers to us. Kelsey's family was overwhelmed by the love with which they were showered. In class this afternoon, Kelsey related how she was excited because next week, her family is moving back into their own home, roughly nine months after they were forced to flee! As she prepared to go to her sixth period class, I asked about the move. She told me that in the interim, they had lived in a hotel and apartment but now, their home was ready and it was better than ever! I commented that they must have good insurance. As she walked out the door, the last thing I heard Kelsey say, actually sing, was "Nationwide is on our side!" And she was smiling as she sang.

I'm no advertising guru but I don't think you can write a better commercial than a thirteen year old girl with the world's biggest smile on her face. That countenance represents a family who endured terrible trauma but it's going to be OK because of who they have standing with them. What a tribute to that company which I know nothing about. But I know a wonderful young lady who will vouch for them and that's enough for me. I also hope that I can testify in my life like I witnessed Kelsey testifying eight hours ago. From observing me, I pray I can make the message of my school, my family, my country, and my community an effective one. And mostly, I hope I make the testimony of my faith appealing. In Titus 2:10, Paul speaks of  living in a way so as to, "make the teaching about God our Savior attractive." Some of us need to learn that lesson from Kelsey.......... and Nationwide needs to put this terrific teenager on commission!

Applicable quote of the day:
"Never write an advertisement which you wouldn't want your family to read.  You wouldn't tell lies to your own wife.  Don't tell them to mine." 

David Ogilvy

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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