Thursday, February 20, 2014

I AM...... Scene III

My classes just finished studying the seven I AM statements Jesus made in the Gospel of John. (Yesterday, Karen Long, my fellow WCS faculty member, noted that in John 10:36, Jesus reminded the leaders that He had stated, "I am the Son of God.") If you aren't familiar with them, here they are!
I am the bread of life.
I am the true vine.
I am the good shepherd.
I am the gate for the sheep.
I am the light of the world.
I am the resurrection and the life.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.

I gave my students the assignment of coming up with their own I AM statements which would define them. Over several nights, I will post some of them. They are brutally honest and all are used with permission, boys in blue and girls in pink!

I am a boy living in a confusing world.
I am a guy who wants to grow up to be a good father.
I am a young man who is a passionate believer in Christ.

I am a boy who wants to hide in the shadows.
I am a boy who trusts little but who is trusted much.
I am a boy who is a silent leader, controlling with actions and not words.

I am a girl who doesn't want to lose people or let them go.
I am a girl who wants to do the right thing in the world.
I am a girl who wants to be safe in her feelings.

I am the boy who is scared of snakes.
I am the boy who is not always obedient to his parents.
I am the boy who isn't good at relationships.
I am the boy who is slow to react.
I am the guy with many pairs of shoes.
I am the guy you can always trust.
I am the guy with no confidence.
I am the guy who goes for quality.

I am the guy who loves to laugh.
I am the girl 
who wants to own her own coffee shop.
I am the girl who wants to be a college professor but who isn't good at studying.
I am the girl who loves reading mystery books, more than 1000!
I am the girl who loves cooking and have others enjoy it.
I am the girl who wants to go back to her home country but doesn't know how to tell her parents.
I am the girl who wants to write the best book ever.

I am the boy who is scared of failing.
I am the boy who is lost in this world.
I am the boy who is taken by his good girl friend.
I am the boy challenged by Satan.
I am the boy who wants to be an engineer.

I am the boy who enjoys fishing with his grandpa.
I am the girl who is hopefully loved by many.
I am the girl who belongs to God and no one else.
I am the girl who no one can tell what she is thinking.
I am the girl rarely better than others but who always finds others better than herself.
I am the girl who is dramatic.

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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