Monday, November 04, 2013

Bedtime Blessings, Volume V

Dad, Grandma Hawley, Mom, Dave, and me in Michigan. You just don't see kids rocking sweet hats like that anymore!
We began working on one of my favorite memory verses in all five classes two weeks ago. All of my 100+ students wrote The Blessing Of Aaron for a grade as a memory verse and repeated it on their test. Found in Numbers 6:24-26, God commanded the first high priest of Israel to use these words to bless his chosen people:

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

We spoke of the human need for approval and how parents can have such an effect on the self-worth of their children. We talked of bedtime rituals and how moms and dads can make their kids feel important and ease their fears. I told them about how our folks tucked us in when we were small, prayed with us, and kissed us good-night. With that discussion as background, I gave each student a sheet of paper and had them pen a bedtime blessing to the child they will bring into the world in future years. The next several nights, I'll let some of them speak for me. Boys are in blue, girls in pink, and all are used with permission.

 Dear baby girl, I am so glad you were given to me! I will name you Faith, so you will be the great girl that God intended you to be. I want you to know that when you feel like you are in darkness, He will be your light and guide you to make the right choices. I love you dearly I always will until the day I die and beyond. But I want you to know, God will always be here protecting and loving you. Sleep tight and be glad this is the day the Lord has made.        -Jean Zolensky

My dear child I just want to tell you that you did not come to this by coincidence; there is a reason you are here and a beautiful one at that. Grow up living a Godly lifestyle and remember that I will always be there for you. You are blessed, prosperous, strong, talented, healthy and you can handle situations of life. God loves you and will always be there for you.
-Abigail Diuno

My little princess, Skylar. You are the most beautiful girl in the world and I love you more than all the stars in the sky. You make mommy proud every single day. Always know that God is watching over you every second of every day. Never worry about anything, because God has control and has a plan for you. You are going to do something great in life, I know it. If you have a problem, just put it in God’s hands. Sleep tight, my little angel and make sure you say the act of contrition before you even think about putting your head on your favorite pillow. Love you so so so so much. Sweet dreams, beautiful.
-Taylor Arceneaux

This day has gone by and I’m glad you are in my arms. God has kept you safe today and may he keep you safe tomorrow. My dear child, trust in God for He has given it all to you; make the right decisions today and everyday. God has been grateful so show him kindness. Forgive those who hurt you and the Lord will forgive you if you hurt Him. Sweet dreams, my child, and may God wake you up in the morning.
-Natalia Robles

My dear child. As you lay your head to sleep, know this. Know that I can be there to help you to guide you. Know that I support you. Know that all I do is to help you.  May the Lord keep you in His favor and show you the path. There will be a day I am not there for you. I wish this would not happen but I know it will. Know that I love you and you are not alone. Tomorrow is a new day so we will praise for a new start. Everyday you, wake praise God and know he loves you.
-Wayman Jeu

Dear child, I will always love you. May the Lord light your path and be gracious to you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. I will always be there for you. I ask you pray to him to forgive your trespasses. Forgive those who sin against you. Be still and know that your heavenly Father is watching over you and will keep you safe as long as you have faith in Him. I love you and care for you so sleep well, my child.
-Austin Prophet

My dear baby girl, I love you always. You are my baby angel. Your father and I love you. Your Heavenly Father loves you, too. I love you more than you will ever know. I was just normal until you came into my world and made me a mommy. You are my little princess and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You are my baby and I will love you even if I am not at your side. Love you ,baby. Mommy.
-Sarena Gaddy

Dear beloved son, May the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and give you grace. The Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace. Thank the Lord for this precious day as I thank the Lord for my amazing son. I will always pray for you and love you for the rest of my life. May the Lord direct you throughout your day and help you make Godly choices that honor you, me, your mother, and God. Walk in God’s path, and come to me and your mother for anything. We love you and so does God. Love, Dad.
-Caleb Godard

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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