Thursday, July 12, 2012

Don't Let the Birds Nest (Nathan Wagner)

Tonight, we have another terrific entry from WCS English teacher and soccer coach, Nathan Wagner, who has some great thoughts! Keep me in your prayers!

Last Sunday, I woke up early to squeeze in a long run before worship services and Bible class.  Normally, my wife and I run together, but that morning she was feeling sick and sent me off on my own.  We were house-sitting that weekend, so I took the opportunity to explore a new neighborhood and see how far I could get.  As I travelled down Holcombe, in front of a Chick-fil-a, a bird flew from no where and strafed past my shoulder.  Thinking I had disturbed a bird on the ground, I continued on my way.  Moments later, the same bird HIT ME ON THE BACK OF THE HEAD!  There could be no mistake, I was being attacked. I started to run faster, and another bird hit me in the opposite shoulder.  No one was around, and I couldn't believe what was happening.  I ran as fast as I could out of the area and down another street.  To be honest I don't think I've ever ran that fast before.  I already have an irrational bird-issue from childhood that I'm working through, so for the next 45 minutes of my run, I jumped at the song, tweet, and sight of every bird.

Today in our worship service, our minister David Yasko preached a powerful sermon about sustaining grace.  One point he made is that God never gives us more than we can handle, and he will always provide us a way out of temptation.  He said, "The birds may fly into our hair, but we don't have to let them make a nest."  I couldn't help but think back to that bird attack.  It would have been foolish to try to fight the birds or continue walking through the area.  I would have been asking for trouble. Instead, like Jospeh, I fled--and I fled fast.  It reminded me, too, that after God delivers us from temptation, we are generally more aware of similar tempting situations. 

Apparently, crows are territorial and have the ability to remember faces.  So I won't be traveling down that road for quite some time.  I hope I remember the same lesson when faced with temptation.

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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