Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ford Fairlane (Joe Widick)

Good evening! Lord willing, I am now in Vietnam! Tonight's entry is again from my former colleague/boss/elder/friend/brother in Christ, Joe Widick of Lebanon, Tennessee. Joe often fills in for me while I am out of the country! Keep me in your prayers!

When Elaine and I were first married I was the owner of a 1963 Ford Fairlane convertible.  It was an ugly brown color with a black top.  It was the car we dated in, we went off on our honeymoon trip in this car.  We had so few possessions when we married that we were able to let the top down and move practically all of our belongings to our duplex which was close to the Lipscomb campus.  It was the car I drove Elaine to the hospital in when we had our first child.    Time passed and the car was using about as much oil as it was gas.  It was time to say goodbye to our means of transportation.  I wonder what happened to that car? 
 I recently read about the extraordinary efforts of middle-aged American men who are trying to find the favorite car they once owned and loved, but lost.  They are searching on-line car ads, phoning junkyards, and even hiring specialists who charge $400 an hour to help them search for an automobile that once symbolized their youth.  These men want the actual car they owned, not one just like it.  Some would call their efforts frivolous—a waste of good time and money.  But the value of a car like many things is in the eye of the beholder. 
There are several interesting stories told by Jesus in Luke 15.  He was approached by tax collectors and “sinners.”  The “religious” people of his day, the Pharisees and teachers of the law made a strong accusation against Jesus saying “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them” (Luke 15:2).  It is as though Jesus wanted to affirm how valuable these “sinners” are to God.  It is at that point that Jesus told three memorable stories about a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son.  As you read through the parable each of them records the anguish of losing.  This is then followed up by telling of the effort of searching for that which was lost.  Finally there is a joy of finding something of great worth, finding that which was lost.  As one reads through the chapter one cannot help but see a picture of God.  He is God who is the loving Father who rejoices over every lost soul who is found.  I don’t know the relationship each of the readers of this article has with God.  I would guess some feel far from God, maybe you think that God has turned his back and walked away from you.  I believe it is important to realize however that each are highly valued by Him.  It is like him searching for you.  He will go to whatever measured needed to be sure you are found. 
I have a curiosity about what happened to an old ‘63 Ford Fairlane.  That is the extent of my love for that car.  God has made an investment in each of us by sending His son to Calvary.  Are you lost?  Listen carefully to the lesson today.  God is searching for you!  

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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