Wednesday, October 19, 2011

He Must Not......

Again tonight, we will look at marriage from the perspective of  my students. This goes back to Sunday's entry called The Princess Bride and MookDa's List. All my students were asked to list six He Must or She Must statements about their future mate and then six He Must Nots and She Must Nots. These statements from some of the young ladies in my classes are used by permission. Tomorrow, we will finish the series with the She Must Not statements from the young men.

He must not live with his parents. Kaylan

He must not be a jerk. Hadiya

He must not be younger than me by more than three years. Apple

He must not have a history of cheating on his girlfriends. Autumn

He must not be a high school drop-out. Tiffany

He must not have any type of STD. Brianna L.

He must not be a smoker. Darian

He must not have a record. Mckenzie

He must not be a criminal. Megan

He must not be lazy. Bryanna D.

He must not flirt with other girls. Francie

He must not be conceited. Janelle

He must not be too thin or too fat. Minh

He must not disrespect authority. Lindsay T.

He must not be previously married. Laura

He must not be abusive. Mallory D.

He must not have a big ego. Victoria

He must not be weak. Wanlisa

He must not be jobless. Hannah

He must not be a drug addict. Dani

He must not be embarrassed around me. Lilly

He must not have longer hair than me. Claire

He must not be a bully, or downgrading to others. Emily

He must not be from any other country other than America or Canada. Kelsey

He must not cuss or say bad words. He must not have a rude or obnoxious family and his family must not have a bad reputation. Kaitlyn

He must not have unusual piercings. Chelsea

He must not be cheap. Raven

He must not have had sex with any one before. Lindsay M.

He must not have any previous kids. He must not have a "black book." Erin N

He must not have any hereditary diseases. Stacey

He must not have a violent family history. Melody

He must not be away from home too much. Alison

He must not try to change me for his benefit. Shannon

He must not give up during the hard times. Shelby

He must not be greedy with money. Britney

He must not have a temper, or beat my children. Sarah

He must not have earrings. Andrea

He must not be cocky. Erin

And finally, my favorite of all the 1300 or so qualifications:

He must not ever make a list of things he "must" have in a girl. Mallory B.

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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