Thursday, October 20, 2011

She Must Not....

Again tonight, we will look at marriage from the perspective of  my students. This goes back to Sunday's entry called The Princess Bride and MookDa's List. All my students were asked to list six He Must or She Must statements about their future mate and then six He Must Nots and She Must Nots. These statements from some of the gentlemen in my classes are used by permission.

She must not entice other men other than her husband. Will

She must not have had any previous sexual relations. Andrew

She must not be an atheist. Chris

She must not (does not have to be) be too beautiful. Jason

She must not wear a weave. Zachary

She must not be loud. Jalen

She must not be taller than me. Tre'Jean

She must not be extremely hyper. Matthew

She must not be a smoker. Bryce

She must not have tattoos. Marcos

She must not have manly attributes. Princeton

She must not be uneducated, or use profanity. Matthew H.

She must not be an angry person. Ebube

She must not feel that she is above others. M.J.

She must not have an unstable family. Henry

She must not be affiliated with gangs. Micah

She must not be divorced. Nicholas

She must not be from a different race. Richard

She must not be bossy. Sheyi

She must not be an addict. Devin

She must not be prejudiced and not just in race. Matthew D.

She must not be shy. Gino

She must not have a bad reputation. Jeremiah

She must not use me for anything. Cory

She must not give up easily. Demoi

She must not be a gossip. David H.

She must not be sloppy. David A.

She must not think she is something she isn't. Talghin

She must not be arrogant. Paul

She must not be controlling. Dominique

She must not be afraid of pets. Kyle

She must not be abusive to me or my kids. Ben

She must not be unhealthy. Johnny

She must not have a previous husband, unless he was abusive or unfaithful. Gabe

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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1 comment:

olaoluwatomi said...

Love all the 4 lists of musts and must nots---Out of the mouth of babes:)