Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thursday Update On Dad

I spoke with Dad this afternoon after missing him yesterday. He has had a setback in that the doctors think he has a blood infection and have started him on antibiotics. Yesterday, he had a biopsy for his back problem, limiting his therapy. This means his release from the hospital will be delayed which is discouraging to him. He continues to love hearing from family and friends and knows he is blessed by all those who care for him and Mom. Dave has reassured him that Mom is being well-cared for but that has to be hard. We are still working on rotating ourselves into St. Louis. Dave called today about changing power of attorney which is a term I don't really like. Paul Arnold suggested to me yesterday that we have someone take pictures or video of Mom in the West County Care Center which could be reassuring to Dad. I think that is a wonderful idea. Please continue to keep the Hawleys in your prayers, specifically that Dad won't be discouraged with this setback!
God bless,
Luke 18:1

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