Thursday, January 02, 2025

Living Water

 Living Water

Some stories never get old for me! This is from January 25, 2017!
Several hours ago, I was walking into the fitness club for my pre-Bible study lifting session. When I had reached the half way point between my parking spot and the entrance, a mother and her two children entered the sidewalk several car lengths in front of me. It was obvious by their attire that they were coming for the group swimming training offered to kids in the area by Richard, a guru of the pool if there ever was one. The girl was about ten and her brother about seven if my estimation is right and I'm around kids enough to be a decent guesser. I told them I hoped the water was warm and they agreed. Without warning, the mom started counting 1-2-3. I thought she was getting on her son who was lagging behind the way little boys do. But boy, was I wrong! On the cue of 'Three!', the kids started quoting scripture! Actually, they recited Ephesians 1:3 from the KJV where Paul writes,
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

They stumbled just a little bit but Mom came in with a word and they finished right as we walked into the front door almost together. I added my AMEN as we checked in with the lovely Kendra who was working the front desk. As they headed to the pool, they began the verse again...... and I smiled. I bet the Father in Heaven may have been smiling as well. 

Many of you know Deuteronomy 11:9 where the Children of Israel are instructed to do the following when it comes to God's commands:
 Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
I often witness something very different when I leave the facility. My club has become a hub for youth tennis in Houston, running a terrific teaching program which I greatly admire. At times as I enter the parking lot to go home post-lifting, I see youngsters from the age of eight to eighteen leaving, walking to their cars after their tennis sessions. You know what is staggering to me? Many times, their mom or dad is carrying all their equipment for them: bags, rackets, and everything else that goes into tennis practice. The only thing the parents are not carrying is the phone their offspring is devouring. Look, I appreciate these tennis parents sacrificing both time and money for their sons and daughters who they obviously love and are devoted to. I just think the mom with the swimmer kiddos is like Mary in comparison to Martha in the story of Jesus coming to dinner. She simply chose, in my opinion, what is better for her children in the long run: teaching the word of God versus doing something for the child they should be doing for themselves.  Incidentally, the little boy and girl tonight were carrying their own swimming stuff. I bet Michael Phelps would be proud of them, too.

Applicable quote of the day:

"Remember that you are not called to produce successful, upwardly mobile, highly educated, athletically talented machines...Giving your children great opportunities is good; it is not, however, the goal of parenting. Christlikeness is. Above all, seek to raise children who look and act a lot like Jesus."
Chip Ingram

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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