Saturday, December 09, 2023

The Forgiving

The Forgiving

Love this message from one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE PEOPPLE IN THE WORLD! It's from 12/9/19!
It's getting close to Christmas, 2019, and I love hearing from former students. So, I was overjoyed this morning to find an e-mail from one of my all-time favorites, Jenny Haynes Parish. Jenny was not only wonderful in the classroom but also served as our basketball team manager. (She's also corrected my singing in class once when I misquoted the lyrics of She Drives Me Crazy by The FIne Young Cannibals- not sure why I recall that piece of trivia!) I am, with permission, re-running the entirety of her message. The best illustrations often come from the world around us, the one in which we are confident, competent, and comfortable!

Hi Coach, I had the following happen last week and thought you would appreciate my musings on the matter!!  Hope you are doing well.  Love to you!!

I have worked in banking for almost 20 years.  Oftentimes when people’s accounts go negative, they ask for overdraft fees refunded.  I always ask for the circumstances of the overdraft.  If they are not a repeat overdrafter, I work with them as far as the fees are concerned.  We can refund fees if we see that the situation is appropriate to do so.  Last week, I had a nice elderly lady come to my desk to ask about her account.  She seemed confused so I wanted to spend extra time with her to see what had happened with her account.  She forgot to write down a transaction, which often happens.  Because it was an honest mistake, and because she didn’t have a history of being negative, and because she seemed like she was having a hard time remembering things, I told her I would refund her fee.  It took her several times of me explaining that I would take care of the fee.  She finally realized what I was telling her and she said, “You mean it is forgiven”? 

I had never heard it called “forgiving a fee”.  It really struck me that it is much the same with God and us.  We do things in life that are less than desirable.  Then, we go to God in prayer and ask his forgiveness.  The good news is He forgives us even if we are “repeat overdrafters” and no matter what the circumstances!!  And with God, we don’t even have to keep a register.  He keeps no record of wrongs once our sins are forgiven!  I am so thankful for this AMAZING GRACE. 

And Jenny's fortunate coach and teacher says, Amen!

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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