Thursday, November 02, 2023

Feet Of An Angel

 Feet Of An Angel

Have  to love babies! This is from September 6, 2015.

I know it sounds like a cliché but we are a family at WCS. We have five hundred K-12th grade kids which would be a very small enrollment by metropolitan public school standards. However, our size lets us be involved in a wonderful way in each others' lives. Our students/faculty-staff-administration have been praying non-stop for Kelli, our upper school librarian who has been hospitalized for several weeks. Meals are being delivered, hospital visits are ongoing, get well cards are being created, etc. Kelli has show great improvement and we are rejoicing! In Romans 12:15, Paul commanded we should,
Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.
We experienced the weeping side last winter with the passing of Polly, the wife of our beloved chaplain, Dr. Robert Farrar. The kids were devastated, like they had lost a grandparent, which in a sense, they had. Connections are very real at Westbury Christian.

That brings me to Jay. He's our new head of SAGE Dining, the caterers for private school lunches. He assisted Tony last year but he moved into the head spot when Tony moved to another local school. Jay is doing a bang up job and it isn't easy to please such a wide assortment of mouths. About ten days ago, I found out Jay's wife was near to term with their baby. Last Monday, he took her to the hospital, which is nearby, but it was a false alarm. They sweated out several more anxious days until about 3 AM last Friday, Zoe made her entrance into the world. (I saw the picture on Facebook as soon as I got up!) At school, I was shocked to see Jay who explained both mommy and baby were sleeping and he was checking in. He, of course, had pictures! What I really liked, though, was this: Jay pulled up his WCS 2015 FUNATHON t-shirt to reveal a second t-shirt underneath. What was on shirt # 2? The inked footprints of his new born child! I bet he never washes that piece of clothing. It was the best moment for me in a day full of good moments.

You know, I assumed the inking was for ID purposes and I found some states require it. Some commenters posted that these prints are not very accurate and the purpose is mainly as a remembrance for the moms and dads and the ever popular baby books. (My mom kept Scott's blonde hair in an envelope from his first haircut!) But Jay doesn't need an identification to know his child. A daddy and mommy will know; the t-shirt was a keepsake and a memory of a memorable day. 1 John 3:1 says this:
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 
Children of God! Can't beat that family tree! When we memorize this verse in class, I illustrate the word lavished by using the example of our cafeteria lines. When you go through and there is something you really like, you want Ms. Toya or Ms. Gloria to lavish it on your plate and not be stingy with the portion. And that's how God is with us! And I have no doubt Jay (and Mrs. Jay!) will lavish love on little Zoe. Looking forward to watching her- and her feet- grow up! I'll recognize those feet anywhere!

Applicable quote of the day:
"I can only imagine where these tiny feet will go in their lifetime. My only hope is that they never forget the way home."
Candice (Kendall's mommy)

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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