Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Remember Me

 Remember Me

Memory is such a blessing if we don't let it become an issue. This is about the memory of others. It is from May 22, 2011.

This afternoon on FACEBOOK, there was a message waiting for me from Melody. It started by saying 'I hope you even remember me...' In fact, there have been many such messages in my abbreviated six day FACEBOOK history. Melody was easy to remember. A student in my eighth grade class in the early nineties at Friendship Christian School in Tennessee, she was out going, a cheerleader, had older siblings in the high school, and always struck me as extremely kind hearted. In fact, all of the messages and wall postings which had the Remember Me? theme were from former kids turned adults who I not only remembered easily, I remembered  fondly which is even better.

In my senior boys' Bible class this week, we were talking about how many other people each of us knew on some sort of personal level. I stated my belief that I knew at least three thousand. Tyler disputed that, believing that was an impossibly high number. And now, as the FACEBOOK saga of my life plays out, I also dispute the three thousand contention. I now believe it is much higher than that. I don't know if there is some mathematical formula on acquaintances but look at it this way. I have lived major years of my life in five places. I have attended two colleges and worked in education which naturally has you interacting with new students and their families and new co-workers every year. Throw in coaching and coaching camps/clinics and the number escalates. Now, factor in mission trips to Honduras-Haiti-China and in six weeks, Vietnam, and I have been exposed to many folks on a global basis. I don't know some of them on an in depth basis but I know them enough to remember them when their name pops up. Besides, how long do you have to know someone to remember them?  My favorite use of the term Biblically comes from Luke 23:42 when Jesus spoke to one of the criminals who was hanging on a cross adjacent to Him. In of the best known verses of the Bible, this unknown condemned prisoner uttered these immortal words: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And in the best language that soon-to-be-dead anonymous footnotes of history ever heard, the Savior of mankind promised he would be remembered. I can't promise what Jesus promised (Today, you will be with Me in Paradise) but I can promise to all of you who knew me as your history teacher or Bible teacher or baseball coach or basketball coach; you are not forgotten. All of you gave me a chance to teach you at some point in your earlier existences. And for that, I will alwys be in your debt.

*In honor of tonight's title, I have included one of the best love songs ever which just happens to have the same name! Click or copy/paste below*

Applicable quote of the day:
" I always have trouble remembering three things: faces, names, and- I can't remember what the third thing is."
Fred Allen

God bless
Luke 18:1

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