Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Righteous Life That God Desires


Hard to believe that the 2023-2024 school is almost 1/4 over! I really like my team and classes this year. I am teaching Bible 8 and Gospels, the same two classes I taught when I came to WCS in 1998! We are taking Test # 3 this week as we begin the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus. We memorize at least one Bible verse each week and use it on the exams. For this test , it was James 1:19-20 which reads as follows from the NIV:
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,  because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. 
Our essay portion of this test related to this passage. The first part had to do with a blog I wrote describing two incidents within 48 hours of each other which resulted in my anger- these students had to evaluate how I handled myself under those circumstances. This was part two of the discussion exercise: 
James ends verse 20 with the words, “because human anger does not produce the righteous life that God desires.” How does a person who lives that righteous life go about their daily life? How might they be recognized?
I received many excellent answers but I want to leave you with four, all from junior girls. These four-Ashley/Eden/Jannieka/Oluwaseyi have been friends since kindergarten and are simply wonderful individually and as a whole. All four are extremely high achieving in a number of fields. I think their words show remarkable maturity for sixteen year olds. Hope you are blessed by their discerning thoughts as I am on a daily basis.

To me, living a righteous life means staying true to God, and the commitments that you have made to Him. Even the little things such as being careful with what you say and refraining from anger are considered righteous. I believe that those who live a righteous life don't get the credit that they deserve. There are many out there who have integrity, meaning that they do the right thing when no one is watching. However, I don't think that those who are living a righteous life care about other peoples' approval, only God's. In the end, no one else's opinion matters other than His. They will be recognized in the end when He makes His decision, and that is when their righteous  life will be judged. Jannieka

A person who tries to live a righteous life would try to make decisions based on God's Word and principles. They would try to live a Godly life. Someone who lives a righteous life, though they would still sin or make mistakes, would constantly repent or ask for forgiveness. A person living a righteous life is courteous and caring of others rather than themselves. They live by the golden rule as well. A person who lives a righteous life would be recognized as the most perfect person in the world. A goody two shoes. They would be recognized as the most caring or kindest person in the world, or someone who makes no mistakes. They would be seen as a ball of bright light. Ashley

I believe a person who fulfills the righteous life that God desires goes throughout their day by constantly forgiving others and brushing off things that could provoke them to anger. They don't hold people accountable because of their past mistakes. People who live a righteous, Godly life are also kind people who follow the 10 commandments. They  are the type of people who apologize when they fall short of God's glory or when they wrong others. People like this are humble, down-to-earth, and honest. You can recognize this type of person by looking out for a
person who isn't proud or quick to anger, but a person who cares and looks out for others.

To start, a righteous person can still be human. Sometimes I think we misunderstand the meaning of being like Jesus, in that we cannot be angry or become frustrated. Even Jesus became angry at the temple! However, we have to be slow to become angry. With that being
said, living a righteous life means glorifying God in everything that we do. We may fall short at times, because of sin. But what matters is that we never stop shooting for Christ. How would we recognize this kind of person? They are unashamed, proud of who they are. They have normal emotions, but have a different way of handling them; they do not let the flesh control their decisions. This person will not fail to bring a smile to not only God's face, but others as well. Eden

Applicable quote of the day: 
Men and women who sell their birthright for a mess of pottage will tell you that their demise began with something small, with some seemingly insignificant breach of integrity that escalated. The little things do matter. It is not possible to profess righteousness while flirting with sin. Sheri L. Dew

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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