Monday, September 11, 2023

The IKEA Project

 The IKEA Project

When I need apartment advice there is only one place for me to go.  I turn to Rosemary Martin! To find out why, read the entry below from March 20, 2011.

I mentioned several days ago that over Spring Break, I was doing some remodeling of my apartment with a wonderful couple I know, Lee and Rosemary Martin. For the second Spring Break in a row, Rosemary has looked over my place, assessed its needs, and accompanied me to IKEA. After the stuff is delivered, Lee comes over and assembles it. The Martins aren't just some random folks in my life. Their youngest daughter played high school basketball on my team and I preached the wedding of their oldest girl. Additionally, Rosemary is on our WCS Board of Directors and Lee is an elder in our congregation. In preparation, I thoroughly scrubbed my place, including having my carpets cleaned, which the complex provides. I told Rosemary that I'm not a good shopper, that I tend to like whatever she likes. Rosemary is great about finding out my preferences in furnishings and putting some things together. I ended up buying two bookcases, a lamp, a small table, and a bed with all the bedding. Lee came over and in ninety minutes, I was ready to go. (I did help with the screws and Rosemary was a great director so Lee had a terrific crew.) I was so inspired when we were finished that I went to Wal-Mart the next day, bought three thirty gallon tubs, and rearranged my clothes closet. There is one downside: I am afraid the apartment office will get wind of the upgrades and raise my rent accordingly.

The main acquisition was the bed. I had been sleeping on a twin mattress/box springs for thirteen years and I needed a change. We looked at a good number of options at IKEA, settling on a queen size bed. (Rosemary had already measured to make sure it would fit with still room to get around.) We also had to get bedding. Blue is my favorite color so blue it was. Honestly, I wasn't completely sure what a comforter was but now I know. I'm also not sure why I now have four pillows on my bed but apparently two are just for show and not for sleeping. Historically, I haven't been faithful in making up my bed but I have the past several days; I just can't make it look as good as Rosemary does!

In the three nights I've slept on my new IKEA bed, I have noticed several things. I'm not a good sleeper and the new mattress does not change my waking up every two hours like I have all my life. I only use one side so the other side doesn't get mussed up- same with only one pillow. And I really like the firmness of the mattress; I'm convinced you really can't tell much by laying down on a display in the store. I was too aware of other customers and the perception they were staring at me! I've noticed something else as well. Having a new bed (as well as the other pieces of furniture) makes me more aware of the state of the apartment. Today, I vacuumed and dusted and generally kept the place looking like I was having Open House. It's been good for me to look at this part of my life, an area I often neglect, and maybe not the only area. It's interesting that in Isaiah 38, the prophet relays a message to King Hezekiah from the Lord, the gist of which was, 'put your house in order because you're about to die.' I doubt God was speaking of furniture and home decorations but matters of a spiritual nature. Hopefully, I'm not about to die but I have to remind myself that heaven does not hinge on new furniture and clean carpets. A new attitude and a clean heart? Now that's my next project!

Applicable quote of the day:
"IKEA people do not drive flashy cars or stay at luxury hotels."
Ingvar Kamprad

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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