Friday, September 22, 2023

Ike's Mark On Me

 Ike's Mark On Me

It's Hurricane Season again! Growing up in Nebraska, hurricanes were things which happened in other place to other people. Here are my thoughts about living with millions of folks through Ike. It is from September 24, 2008.

It's never easy to put perspective on any event when you are still in its grasp. Hurricane Ike left its toll on southeast Texas and on the individual lives of millions of residents. With time on your hands, and a nine PM bedtime, there is ample space for self inspection and evaluation. Life is returning to normal, but normal will have a different definition at least in the short fall. A Sports Illustrated writer has a weekly column entitled, Ten Things I Think I Think. The following are thoughts that have passed through my mind in the past thirteen days. And, let me preface my remarks by stating that I had it extremely easy.

I can live without nearly as much water and electricity as I typically use and I think I am frugal to begin with due to my trips to Haiti and Honduras.

It was nice being able to go to bed so early but I discovered I don't need ten hours of sleep. I put my mattress in front of the sun deck for more breeze and have left it. It's OK until I have company.

Next time, I would make sure I had a flashlight, more matches and candles, a much bigger ice chest, and maybe a battery-operated radio.

Hot food is never overrated. The last thing I would have eaten was a can of Comstock Premium Blackberry Pie Filling that came from Dad's pantry. You can put almost anything on uncooked ramen noodles- at least olive oil, cold Ragu sauce, cheese- and it is edible.

I can drink week-old, cold coffee and not think twice about it.
Disasters are hardest on the very old, the physically impaired, and the poor.

Electric scooters have to be recharged every few days. This becomes an ordeal without power. Our apartment staff set up generators to recharge the ones that could be brought to the office area...and they do not roll easily without juice.

Elevators are a lifeline for those who can't go up and down the stairs. A ninety-four year old lady named Mary lives on the same floor as me. She cannot navigate the stairs but she walked down the hall, bracing herself against the wall just so she could see the outside world from a different angle.

No power encourages reading! I read half of a book on the inside story of Saturday Night Live and began re-reading Oswald Chambers' My Utmost For His Highest.

I missed the Internet more than I thought and I missed television less than I thought.

It is possible to get somewhat accustomed to not having air conditioning, at least when the weather is cooler like it has been the past week or so.

Calamities bring out the best and worst in people. Let me concentrate on the best. I witnessed so many putting themselves out there to bless the less fortunate. Many took others into their homes when the lights failed to return. Many volunteered at shelters and distribution centers. One of my favorite memories is of the local police chaplains who came to Braesridge Apartments and served hot coffee with biscuits and gravy.

I don't agree with our mayor in all of his political views but I think he is great in a crisis. He stands up for the citizens of Houston and admits when mistakes are made. You have to feel someone is fighting for you...and I feel Bill White does.

Although I think I made pretty good use of my time, I always do better on a schedule.

The land-line phones work even when the power is out....IF you use an-old fashion phone and not a portable one with an electric base.

The Lord remains in control and we can't do anything about the weather. We can manage how we respond and what we can do to make it better for those around us who can't help themselves.

Applicable quote of the day:
It is better to meet danger than to wait for it. He that is on a lee shore, and foresees a hurricane, stands out to sea and encounters a storm to avoid a shipwreck.
Charles Caleb Colton

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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