Tuesday, December 28, 2021

At The Altar

 At The Altar

Anger and grudges are hard to reconcile with the word of God. It is especially difficult when the object of your anger is your brother. This is from January 5, 2011. I hope they made up!

My sophomore Gospels class today quizzed over Matthew 5:13-30. One of the questions covered verses 23-24 where Jesus stated this:
“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift."
We came to the conclusion that although giving to the Lord is of great importance, Jesus told us that making it right with your brother or sister carried even greater weight. We discussed that some of them (the kids) are angry and they we need to fix the problem with the other person, whether of the spiritual family or biological clan. I saw a short story tonight on Sports Illustrated's website about two brothers that really grieved me. Darryl and Brent Sutter are two of the amazing six brothers in the family who all played in the National Hockey League. Until very recently, they worked together as general manager and coach of the Calgary Flames. Darryl has resigned his position and the two are not speaking although Brent says he has reached out through texts. Working together is sometimes hazardous to family harmony and I know nothing about hockey but I know brothers. After a certain age, you aren't going to get any more. I don't think there could be any better illustration of Jesus' teaching than the Sutters. Maybe it's more difficult to reconcile if you are a public figure but Jesus did not make an exception for the famous. I hope they make up before it's too late. If they do, it would be a great illustration of an altar call.

Applicable quote of the day # 1:
"When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life."

Applicable quote of the day # 2:
"It takes two men to make one brother."
Israel Zangwill

God bless,
Steve (Brother of Dave and Scott)

Luke 18:1

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