Saturday, May 29, 2021

Blessed Are The Mannerly

 Blessed Are The Mannerly

 One thing that always impresses me at family reunions is the respectful bearing of the children of my cousins- that is no accident but sometimes a rarity on our culture. This entry is from November 8, 2009. 

One of my students added a prayer request to her test on Friday. She asked me to pray that certain unnamed boys would stop being rude to the girls. I know you are floored to think that this could be an issue but even in a Christian school, it is. In our sermon this morning, our minister, David Yasko, preached on 1 Corinthians 13, verse 5. In the New International Version, the first part of the verse states that, 'It (love) is not rude.' David also read from another translation which put it this way: 'Love has good manners.' I like the wording of that translation. Paul says if we are rude, we don't love. And John says that if we don't love, we don't know God. And if we don't know God, well, you can see where this is going. Tomorrow, my students are going to evaluate themselves with a fill-in-the-blank and circle the appropriate term quiz from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, which appears below. I'm hopeful we can make the connection between the way we treat others and our standing in the kingdom of God. I have yet to take the test: I have a few more minutes of looking in the mirror.

Instructions: Fill in your name in each blank where the term love normally goes. Then, cross out the descriptions (is/is not: does/does not: always/sometimes/never) which do not apply to you, leaving the description that fits you best

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

__________is/is not patient, __________is/is not kind. __________does/does not envy, __________ does/does not boast, __________ is/is not proud. __________ is/is not rude, __________ is/is not self-seeking, __________ is/is not easily angered, __________ keeps/does not keep a record of wrongs. __________ does/does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. __________ always/sometimes/never protects, always/sometimes/never trusts, always/sometimes/never hopes, always/sometimes/never perseveres

Applicable quote of the day:
“Why give in to rudeness, when you can fight back with kindness?”

Donna A. Favors

God bless,
Luke 18:1
 me at

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