Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Daydreaming About Deep Purple

 Daydreaming About Deep Purple

Sometimes, I just like the older music. This is from November 24, 2012.
I left Wichita this morning and 622 miles later, arrived back in Houston. There was a slight change in my routine: I drank a Five Hour Energy and since I never got sleepy, it must have worked. Less coffee = the elimination of bathroom breaks! Since I don't have cable radio, I listened to regular stations from Kansas through Oklahoma through Texas. As I channel hopped, I was reminded of Joni Mitchell's classic song, You Turn Me On, I'm A Radio. On the Interstate for ten hours, you hear a little bit of everything from country to hip hop, from sermons to political commentary, from sports talk to a multitude of Espanol stations, from oldies back to country. What I didn't hear was a great quantity of what I consider quality music. I miss the days when the same station played Bob Dylan, the O'Jays, Merle Haggard, Janis Joplin, Sly and the Family Stone, as well as the Captain and Tennille. Now, it seems like the radio is fractured and specialized and slave to demographics, just like our society. My middle school girls tend to break down into two camps; the One Direction followers or the Justin Bieber believers. I would guess I'm not alone in missing the days when popularity was based more on ability and not so much on looks and marketing and television contests..... and I'm not saying the performers our junior high girls adore lack talent. So, in protest of the current state of the airwaves, based on my limited expertise, I leave you with one of the best songs I remember which came to me somewhere today, between Oklahoma City and Dallas: I've Been Lonely Too Long by The Rascals.

Click or copy/paste the link below to hear and see, I've Been Lonely Too Long:

Applicable quote of the day, # 1:
Luke 18:1
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