Monday, December 07, 2020

Student I AM Statements 2020, Chapter 2


My five classes are studying the seven I AM statements Jesus made in the Gospel of John. If you aren't familiar with them, here they are!

I am the bread of life.
I am the true vine.
I am the good shepherd.
I am the gate for the sheep.
I am the light of the world.
I am the resurrection and the life.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.

I gave my students the assignment of coming up with their own I AM statements which would define who they are. Again tonight, I am posting some of them, a combination of middle and high school kids.  They are brutally honest and all are used with permission; boys in blue and girls in pink.

I am the girl who seeks the freedom of the future.
I am the sister of girls  who have a brighter future than mine.
I am the girl in the middle of all the bad.
I am the girl of loving parents who don't see the real me.
I am the girl who puts out effort but never gets any credit.
I am the boy who misses his grandfather.
I am the boy who wants to spoil his future family.
I am the son who wants to give back to his parents.
I am the girl who always wants attention from her friends.
I am the future mother of forever loved children.
I am the girl who procrastinates.
I am the boy who cloaks his true self in lies.
I am the boy who cannot escape toxic friendships.
I am the boy who acts like he isn't hurt.... but he is.

I am the daughter with outgoing parents.
I am the daughter who wants to be recognized but only to a certain extent.
I am the girl who keeps her opinions to  herself.
I am the girl seeking validation from her parents.
I am the girl who sets high goals and overworks herself to achieve them.
I am the boy who gives his all to others.
I am the boy whose father is never there.
I am the boy who will always be alone with nobody to truly call friends.
I am the boy with the fake smile.
I am the girl with amazing siblings!
I am the girl with many secrets.
I am the girl who always draws an invisible line with people.
I am the girl who wants to learn Japanese and go to Japan!

I am the son of parents who try their hardest.
I am the daughter who wants to make her dad proud.
I am the girl who is a future business woman.... WITH BILLIONS!
I am the sister working on her patience.
I am the girl who trusts others too easily and they take advantage of that trust.
I am the girl who doesn't want children; she's afraid she won't be a good mother.
I am the girl who hates what she sees in the mirror.
I am the girl who puts the happiness of everyone else above her own.
I am the boy who wants to be something great in life!
I am the boy who is socially awkward.
I am the boy who will ALWAYS be present in my future family's lives.
I am the girl who struggles with showing emotions other than happy or sad.

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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