Saturday, April 25, 2020

resolC ehT

I wrote a blog last week about how I've become almost, and I hesitate to use this word, addicted to reruns of the television show, The Closer! It became imperative to me that especially during this quarantine I keep the 5-7 PM time slot open each night so I could get my fix of back to back episodes on NBC channel 2-4 here in Houston. Last week, the swan song  season, # 7, finished up so they started back at the beginning. My guess is that I've seen 2/3 of the 120+ shows and I don't watch anything a second time. Plus, it was starting to interfere with my exercising time which is a dilemma when you are a month removed from the gym with no certain time of return. But, I found an alternative! There is an Internet website that has all the episodes in order and I can watch them for free! They even provide a synopsis of each plot so I can know in advance if I've already watched Season 4, Episode 6, or whatever. My life has become easier! I can still watch one show every day but when I want. I can pause it or even watch half and come back later. It's perfect!

Well, it's almost perfect. You see, on about half of the episodes that I've watched online, the image is inverted. (My guess it has to do with some copyright disagreement.) There are two tip offs to the reversal. The first is that the opening credits are backwards. The second comes in car scenes where the driver and the passenger have switched places, at least in the manner of American automobiles. If it wasn't for that, I would never know! OK, maybe if Pravenza is wearing a Dodgers' jersey and it comes out sregdoD, I might raise an eyebrow but that's it.  The story doesn't change or the audio or the voices or the crime or the verdict. Like I said- I can't tell. And what's worse, or maybe better, it has ceased to bother me. I guess I can handle being deceived.

How many things in life have I gotten backwards? Ideas or judgments on others or risk versus reward in certain situations? Who knows? Maybe I still get lots of stuff backwards. I pray for understanding and discernment but maybe not as often as I should. I think we all interpret things through the lenses of our upbringing and personalities and I would guess the Lord is not as hard and fast on many issues as we seem to be. But in the time of Isaiah, there were those who deliberately were reversing things that mattered:

Woe to those who call evil good
    and good evil,
who put darkness for light
    and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
    and sweet for bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)

Are those folks still around today? Undoubtedly! I'm not talking about political philosophies. I mean the ones who say right is wrong and wrong is right. That stuff comes from the devil, the wolf in sheep's clothing, the foe of God's people. He's the deceiver. He turned things around in the Garden of Eden and unlike The Closer, his show was never cancelled. He wants us to see things backwards so we don't perceive correctly or worse, it doesn't matter to us. We have to be vigilant in an ever changing and often bewildering world. Johnson Oatman called the goal of the struggle higher ground in his hymn of the same name. Our reward is coming if we hold fast to the truth. The enemy? His reward is coming as well. The rewards will be as varied as good and evil.

Applicable quote of the day:
God created man in His own image, says the Bible; philosophers reverse the process: they create God in theirs.
Georg C. Lichtenberg

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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1 comment:

Carladean Thompson said...

Love your insight. I like the Closer too.