Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Inspections

Spring Break 2020 keeps on rolling ..... creeping might be a more appropriate 
description. Over the years, I've developed a Spring Break routine that is mundane so even with the disruptions we're witnessing due to the pandemic, I've had little interruption. (My favorite Spring Break memory was driving to Florida with my roommate at the time, Paul Nance, to take in St. Louis Cardinals exhibition games!)   I'm delaying the planning of my annual Vietnam mission as there are simply too many unanswered questions right now for me to consider but I am praying and getting advice! That left two major tasks to accomplish and I never look forward to either.

On Tuesday, I went in for a six month checkup/cleaning at my dental office. Even though I am meticulous with the care and upkeep of my teeth, I always dread the worst, like the dentist muttering, "uh oh!" as he/she peers into our mouth. But just like the exam, which includes x-rays, at the beginning of the school year, my diagnosis was EXCELLENT! (I'm always grateful when my current providers praise the work of the dentists who've worked on me in the past!) I even the liked the flavor of the polish they used- it tasted like orange or maybe peach but it wasn't unpleasant at all. It was a great visit and I pray the next in half a year is equally uneventful.

This morning, I faced the other necessary evil of the week. Harris County requires a car inspection before new registration is finalized. My tag expires March 31 so it's coming up. I heard there was a moratorium on plates but I have time and it has to be done eventually so I bit the bullet.  I found a place near here with good reviews and was the first customer of the day. As a disclaimer, let me say I've taken good care of my Honda just like I have my teeth. Still, it will be ten years old in two weeks and I held my breath when the mechanic hooked it up to the emissions machine. Not to worry- it passed with flying colors just like it always has. I sighed in relief and thanked the Lord as I drove off, approved of officially for another year. 

I'm not sure why I dislike the twin inspections so much. Maybe it's because a bad diagnosis could be expensive or in the case of the dentist, painful. Fixing stuff is time consuming and I don't always have a great deal of  that. My guess is that it comes down to this; during these two procedures, I'm not in control. The evaluations take place while I can do nothing but sit ....... and spit when ordered to. I want the inspectors to be honest but I don't want to hear any bad news. That's a struggle in my spiritual life as well. My trust has to be in the Lord and not in ability to manipulate a situation or use my gifts to make everything to work out to my satisfaction. I would venture to say that's what is scary for us during this Coronavirus epidemic. What's next? When will things get back to normal? I was talking to my nephew, Zach, today about the current state of affairs nationally and internationally. Zach commented that he can't comprehend what people are thinking who have nothing to look forward to, no assurance of a higher being. He's right. Even in our personal faith struggles, believers ...... believe. Believe in a Father and Savior and Comforter. Believe in a future we know is bright above even if the present day is shadowy. And believe that things out of our control are not out of His control, even if we have to fix a cavity or spring for a tune up to get my license plates. We will survive, by the grace of God.

Applicable quote of the day:
Many of us rely on our own illusion of control. But when God makes it known to you that you're not the one steering the ship, be thankful. He has removed the illusion, and forced you to rely only on Him.Yasmin Mogahed
God bless,
Luke 18:1

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