Saturday, July 21, 2012

Jesus Is With Me (Joe Widick)

Good evening! Lord willing, I am more than two weeks into my trip to Vietnam! Tonight's entry is again from my former colleague/boss/elder/friend/brother in Christ, Joe Widick of Lebanon, Tennessee. Joe often fills in for me while I am out of the country! Keep me in your prayers!

This past weekend, Elaine and I had the opportunity to keep our youngest granddaughter, Josie.  For three and half years she has lived in either Alabama or Texas.  Now that she is closer, we get to spend some quality time with her.  We had a “sleepover.”  When we picked her up in Nashville, she came proudly to the truck with suitcase in tow and her little backpack on.  We got her all buckled up and off we went.  On the way home we had to stop at Lowes to get some material for a weekend project.  Josie didn’t want to get out; she wanted to stay in the truck.  We told her that both grand mommy and I would be going in and that would leave her all alone in the truck.  Without hesitation she matter of factly said; “Jesus will be with me!”  What could I say?  Any of my reasoning or arguments seemed to fall by the wayside compared to her argument.  

Do you and I feel the presence of Jesus in our life?  Do we feel him as a companion in life who is with us each and every step that we take?  Many times I think that we are guilty of only thinking in terms of being with Jesus in our “eternal home” (Ecclesiastes 12:5) where we will “be with Christ “(Philippians 1:23).  As God’s children, we know that this world will never truly be home to us.  We are simply pilgrims passing through.  Like the apostle Paul, we especially feel that way when the struggles of life are hard.  While Paul was in Rome awaiting trial, he would write; “I am hard pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better” (Philippians 1:23).  I think we all would agree that Paul loved serving Christ, but a part of him really longed to be with the Savior.  It is comforting to know that we can think ahead to be with Jesus—in a home that is far better.  However, it is strengthening to know that we have Jesus with us now!  I believe his promises to be with us are real.  Jesus said; “...and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28 20).  On one occasion Jesus said to the Jews who were dealing with unbelief; “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”  (John 10:28).  I look forward to being with Jesus forever, but in the meantime, I must be content to know that he is there in the midst of my trials and struggles.  He is wants me and encourages me to stay away from the temptations that are all around me.  He hurts when I hurt, he smiles when I laugh.  He probably whispers in my ear, “Listen to your granddaughter she understands!” 

May each of us walk daily with Jesus and feel his presence in our lives. 

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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