Thursday, July 19, 2012

I Fell For You! (Joe Widick)

Good evening! Lord willing, I am two weeks into my trip to Vietnam! Tonight's entry is again from my former colleague/boss/elder/friend/brother in Christ, Joe Widick of Lebanon, Tennessee. Joe often fills in for me while I am out of the country! Keep me in your prayers!

A couple of weekends ago Elaine and I were in east Tennessee. As we were walking around outside Elaine suddenly stopped and picked up a perfectly shaped leaf that had fallen from a sweet gum tree.  The intricate features of the leaf were perfect.  The color that was developing in the leaf was magnificent.  It was a reminder that we are in the midst of a season change, where God daily shows his handiwork.  As we eventually went inside, I thought for a moment that that leave “fell for me!”  I think it is interesting to note how many times God gives us either little or large glimpses into his sovereign nature.  In the same place we picked up that fallen leaf, we have seen the water of the lake calm as a mirror allowing us to look into the water and see the various colors of the trees reflecting their beauty for all to see.  We have seen that same body of water turn to whitecaps as the wind stirred it into a frenzy.  We can sit and look at the geese as they crisscross the lake, making their way to some unbeknown destination. At night we can look up into the sky and see the starry host that God has brought out for us to feast our eyes on.  Last winter for the first time we were able to see the area in a blanket of white snow.  The snow enhanced the blueness of the water. 

Do you have a special place where God seems to speak to you in a very clear and concise way?  Does He ever tell you that you need to simply take note of what is around you, I am letting you know that even though the world seems to be in a mess, I am still all powerful, wise, caring and loving?  It is at times like this, that strength is gained for the next day.  Encouragement comes to boost one’s spirit.  Confidence is given to be able to say “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  (Philippians 4:13). 

It is a joy to be able to serve our God, who takes time to speak to us in a very special manner.  I love the words of David as recorded in Psalms 19 when he said; “The heavens declare the glory of God’ the skies proclaim the work of his hands.  Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.  There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.”  (Psalm 19:1-3).  At first glance one might wonder how a day or night could speak!  However when one stops to think about it, it seems that when another day or night is given to us, they speak volumes about our God.  Whatever your favorite season of the year is, why not make it a point to listen to what God is saying to you.  A simple leaf spoke to me the other day.  It said; “I fell for you!” 

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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