Saturday, September 12, 2009

Daughters and Fathers

Here are the thoughts of some of my senior female students on what they consider to be an ideal father. All were used by permission of the young ladies.

"I think the ideal father is my father, when I think about my father compared to my friends' fathers, and how my dad has been in my life. My friends' fathers are not in their lives or their relationship is limited. My dad truly loves me and wants the best for me. He is sometimes too strict or set in his ways, but I don't always take it personally. Although he wants the best for me and to control me, he knows now that he can't control me. I'm not out of control, but it's hard for him to let his little girl grow up. A good father is supportive and loves you no matter what. I want the father of my children to discipline my children and love them unconditionally. I don't want him to think that the women must do all the mothering. I want an equal parent-ship. Even if everyone doesn't have an ideal birth father, we always have God our Father."

"A good father is one who supports his children, not only financially but spiritually and in everything they do. My daddy has done alot of this for me. He supports me in everything. He make sure I go to church every Sunday and he always tries to motivate me to do well in school. He uses the mistakes he made to show me why I need to focus. He listens to my problems and tries to offer some solutions. He gives me good advice. We have a great relationship and I love him alot."

"An ideal father would be someone who is willing to help raise you, even though you are not his child. He is someone who gets upset at you for all the right reasons. An ideal father is the one male who really and truly loves you and will put his life on the line for you and his children. An ideal father is the one who teaches you how to play every sport and takes time out of his day to come and watch you play in a game. For me, my ideal father is my dad. Even though he does silly things, I still will always love him before anybody else."

"The ideal father in my eyes is not perfect. He makes mistakes and does stupid things, but above all his mistakes, he will always provide for his family. There is nothing a father shouldn't do or try to do for his family, or at least that's what I have come to believe. My father is a senior police officer for HPD. Alongside that, he has nearly 20 years at Continental Airlines handling bags. He also works 2-3 extra jobs as a security officer just so my sister and I can have the little unnecessary things we want. My father rarely tells us no, and will work himself to the ground to try to do for us before he decides that he can't. My father is hardly perfect. He has done things I never thought he'd do, and hurt my mom, sister, and I more than you can imagine, but never has he left our family or not provided for us. He loves us and has made up for his mistakes. I hope the man I marry has the same work ethic as my dad. He's the strongest man I know."

"I think an ideal father would be responsible and love his wife and children and have a good job, so that his wife and children can live a good life. The ideal father should not drink alcohol and not smoke. An ideal father regards his priority as his wife and children."

Applicable quote of the day:
"I find myself enjoying a deeper love than I ever imagined was possible in the form of my daughter and certainly in the union with my wife. It makes everything else, including work, which is one of the things I'm most passionate about, pale by comparison."
Benjamin Bratt

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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