I keep running into FACEBOOK. Several weeks ago, I read an article wondering if the upstart social network was about to run its course due to saturation of the market. Last week, I listened to a radio interview with Ben Mezrich whose controversial book, The Accidental Billionaires, is a behind the scenes peek into the forming and meteoric spread of FACEBOOK. Several times recently, I have turned down requests to be added as a friend to someones page- I simply don't want to join. To be honest, I feel sheepish about refusing an attempt at friendship but I'm already overwhelmed with my five different Internet mail systems. I'm not against FACEBOOK; I just don't think I have time for it.
Kelly Hildebrandt had time for FACEBOOK and like most of us, a curious streak. A twenty year old from Florida, she searched FACEBOOK to see if she could find anyone else with her exact name. She did- a young man in west Texas with the identical spelling. She emailed- he replied. They continued. He flew to Florida- they're getting married in two months. Don't you wish it was that easy? To go to the computer and type in a name....and end up marrying them! (I could foresee a number of guys changing their name to Jessica Alba.) The couple paired by the Internet has had to endure silly questions. Will she take his last name? Will they name their child Kelly? There will be more. To simplify matters, they differentiate by referring to her as Kelly Girl and him as Kelly Boy. Hazarding a wild guess, their lives are going to be very interesting.... and complicated.
Out of curiosity, I went to www.howmanyofme.com, a site that calculates the number of people having the same name in the US. According to their math, there are ten Kelly Hildebrandts in America with no gender differentiation. Think of the variables that brought them together. If her folks had liked Kathy or his parents chose Karl or even if her name were spelled with an
i, no marriage. Without the conception of FACEBOOK, no marriage. Without Kelly Girl having some guts, no marriage. We started in-service this morning with a new groups of teachers and staff from far flung locales. Greg Glenn, our head at WCS, made the observation that the Lord brought each of us together in ways we probably can't grasp on this side of eternity. I've seen Greg display tremendous faith late in the summer as we have key positions to fill and he maintains steadfastly that the Lord will provide. And you know, our Father always seems to make those connections, with or without FACEBOOK. Who knows? Maybe I do need to sign up!Applicable quote of the day:
"The longer I live, the more faith I have in Providence, and the less faith in my interpretation of Providence”
Jeremiah Day
To watch a CBS interview with the FACEBOOK couple, please click below.
God bless,
Luke 18:1
E-mail me at steve@hawleybooks.com
1 comment:
Haha!!! Sign up! Could be your biggest chance :)
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