Thursday, November 07, 2019

Student I AM Statements 2019

My five classes this week finished studying the seven I AM statements Jesus made in the Gospel of John. If you aren't familiar with them, here they are!
I am the bread of life.
I am the true vine.
I am the good shepherd.
I am the gate for the sheep.
I am the light of the world.
I am the resurrection and the life.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.

I gave my students the assignment of coming up with their own I AM statements which would define them. Tonight, I am posting some of them, a combination of middle and high school kids. They are brutally honest and all are used with permission; boys in blue and girls in pink.

I am the boy who can fake a smile.
I am the boy who is tempted easily.

I am the girl with divorced parents.
I am the girl who doesn't have a defined personality.
I am the girl with an unconventional dream.
I am the boy who is not good at English.
I am the girl who sees her host mother as her mom.
I am the boy who is an addicted romantic.
I am the boy with a grating personality.
I am the girl who is most surprising.
I am the girl who says sorry too much.

I am the boy who is very obedient.
I am the boy who tries to make his family proud.
I am the boy who is more than just 6'8".
I am the girl who is afraid of love.
I am the girl who doesn't know what to do.
I am the boy who puts his identity in Jesus Christ.
I am the boy who seems to be very rude.
I am the boy who loves to cook.
I am the boy who has regrets.
I am the girl who wants one fairy tale ending life.I am the boy who wants ultimate happiness.I am the girl who saw her dad get arrested.
I am the girl who is senstive to change.

I am the boy who wants to have children and teach them the life of God.
I am the boy who everyone thinks is cool.
I am the boy who puts high expectations on himself which he can never achieve.
I am the boy who needs to watch his mouth.
I am the boy who can see things other people cannot see.
I am the son who stresses his parents out.
I am the girl who is smart and logical but no one believes it.I am the boy who is his own harshest critic.
I am the girl who could put up a pretty good fight.
I am the girl who loves chocolate!
I am the son who thinks about the future.I am the sister who doesn't like her brother very much.
I am the girl who loves to sing but is afraid of judgment.

I am the boy who doesn't like to speak his mind.
I am the boy who sometimes pushes people away.
I am the boy who is overlooked.

I am the girl who is almost never complimented.
I am the girl who doesn't know herself.
I am the boy who is always tired.I am the girl who plays Barbie dolls with her little sister.
God bless,
Luke 18:1
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