Saturday, August 18, 2018

Won't Get Fooled Again! (Hopefully!)

Whew! Day One and Two of school are in the books for 2018-2019. It was a good couple of days; I like my students and the makeup of my basketball team. My schedule was shaken up from the past several years and that will require some getting used to. I'm teaching the same classes but my lunch period was pushed back by ninety minutes. There is a possibility I will be having some hunger issues this year!

The logical lead up to the start of school is the end of inservice which for us was Wednesday. I gave my annual faculty devotional that morning on Vietnam and lost track of time but hopefully I was forgiven! After several brief meetings on event planning and social media policy, I retired to my room to finish up first day preparations. Checking my e-mail, I noticed a message from the head  of our board of trustees. Unusual but not so unusual that I didn't respond. She needed me to do a favor for her and it sounded reasonable at the time. I should add here that this lady and I go way back. She and her husband not only worship with me, they support my mission trips and have helped me numerous times with my apartment. I taught two of their children and coached one in basketball. Additionally, I preached the wedding of their oldest child  and have spent considerable time in their home. A favor? NO PROBLEM! It seemed kind of silly but she needed me to go buy a couple of gift cards and she would reimburse me. That didn't seem out of the ordinary because our board does stuff like that. The messages kept going back and forth until I had replied five times. Only then did it occur to me that this might be a bogus conversation. I had Gracie Greer, our curriculum director, take a look and sure enough, it was a fake account. On advice, I deleted the whole conversation of e-mails. Fortunately, I never forwarded any of these communications. I also was not the only recipient. At Bible study Wednesday night, I spoke with the supposed sender and she was shocked at what had come about. It's the world we live in and it's not getting better.

You know, there was a warning that popped up with the first e-mail, that it was unknown and seemed suspicious. BUT, the address looked legitimate and like I said, I'm friends with the lady and it seemed on the level. I guess I was just looking for a reason to believe to quote Rod Stewart. I was tricked because I wasn't cautious and I ignored a warning. I thought I knew better but of course, I didn't. It's that way in spiritual matters as well. Satan will do anything to deceive the sheep of the Savior's flock. There are many warnings, especially in Paul's writings, to be aware of those who would deceive us and the teachings which could lead us astray. I consider myself to be a cautious man but I let my guard down. The consequences weren't devastating this time but they could be the next. I'm considering this miscue a trial run. It assuredly won't be the last attempt to fool me. Next time, I need to pass the test.

Applicable quote of the day:
It is the fool who thinks he cannot be fooled.

Joey Skaggs

God bless,
Luke 18:1
E-mail me at

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