Monday, July 24, 2017

No More Excuses (Trina Agee Cornell)

Trina is one of my heroes! We have been on many mission trips together in Honduras and I've grown to love and admire her. She's such a wonderful example, WCS has tried several times to persuade her to teach for us. Trina and her husband Bob live in St. Louis and are expecting their first child!  Pray for me as I continue my mission in Vietnam!

Sometimes, we let things go on too long.  We convince ourselves we are fine - and we force ourselves to deal with our current situations, even if they are not ideal.  A myriad of things get in our way - and we ignore the underlying symptoms.  
As Dr. Phil is famous for saying, "You can't change what you don't acknowledge".  The first step is admitting the issue - what do you want to change?  What do you want to be different?  
Many times, when confronted with change, we start the wishing game.  We wish things were different - we wish things were easier.  We want all of these things for ourselves - to lose weight, to eat better, to exercise more - but we lack action.  We tell ourselves:
"I don't have time."
"I'll do that tomorrow."  
"I can't possibly make any difference."
Acknowledge what you want to change - set goals that lead you to that change - and put in the daily, intentional work it will take to get there.  The apostle Paul knew how to be content in all things – and knew that he could do “all things through Christ who strengthens” him.  He knew he had the Lord on his side – and with that, he had no excuses. Change doesn't come without action - stop wishing and hoping - and decide to interrupt the pattern.  

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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