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Dad, Grandma Hawley, Mom, Dave, and me in Michigan with some sweet headgear! |
We worked on one of my favorite memory verses in all five classes last week. All of my 90+ students wrote The Blessing Of Aaron for a grade as a memory verse and repeated it on their test. Found in Numbers 6:24-26, God commanded the first high priest of Israel to use these words to bless his chosen people:
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."
We spoke of the human need for approval and how parents can have such an effect on the self-worth of their children. We talked of bedtime rituals and how moms and dads can make their kids feel important and ease their fears. I told them about how our folks tucked us in when we were small, prayed with us, and kissed us good-night. With that discussion as background, I gave each student a sheet of paper and had them pen a bedtime blessing to the child they will bring into the world in future years. The next several nights, I'll let some of them speak for me. All of tonight's blessings are from eighth graders. Boys are in blue, girls in pink, and all are used with permission!
the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."
We spoke of the human need for approval and how parents can have such an effect on the self-worth of their children. We talked of bedtime rituals and how moms and dads can make their kids feel important and ease their fears. I told them about how our folks tucked us in when we were small, prayed with us, and kissed us good-night. With that discussion as background, I gave each student a sheet of paper and had them pen a bedtime blessing to the child they will bring into the world in future years. The next several nights, I'll let some of them speak for me. All of tonight's blessings are from eighth graders. Boys are in blue, girls in pink, and all are used with permission!
My Children, You Are Loved,
You have hopped on a boat with a final destination of life. Whenever you are scared at night, close your eyes and find two stars. The biggest is your Heavenly Father and the second biggest one is me. Don’t be afraid. You are surrounded by love, the greatest gift of all. Know you are not alone. You may find yourself lost but always know that there is a path chosen especially for you. It will lead you exactly to where you need to go. And after you wake up, away from all the fears and scary things, be thankful. Say this prayer: “Thank you all for my blessings. Amen.” Know that you are loved and wanted. You are loved so so so much.
Forever and Always, your Mama
Dear Child,
As you grow in stature and knowledge know that I make an attempt to be your earthly father at all times and to always be where you need me. Though I will fail you at times, your heavenly father will not. I will guide you in the aspects of earth and spiritually, but you know God can do much better than I. So consider him before me.
To My Child,
Do not forget your parents’ teachings, and when you’re mad, don’t take it out upon them or anyone else. Obey your parents in the Lord because it’s right. Honor your father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise) that it may go well with you, and that you may live long on the Earth (Eph. 6:1-3). Remember your God, remember your parents, remember your self -worth, and who you are. You see your friends climbing the walls; what do you do? Climb with them? Do you not know that you are vulnerable to trouble? Two warnings: Don't do it and call out to God. He said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy - laden, and I will give you rest. I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matt. 11:28-30)
Good Night My Sweet Child,
May the Lord bless you and keep you while you sleep. This life might be hard, but persevere through it. Just know that daddy will always help you. I might not be the best but I will always try to please you and never let you cry. Whenever you feeling alone or feeling low, just grab my hand and I will never let you go. Just know that God is there and always pray. Sleep tight, good night, and don’t fight. Just know God is the almighty.
Goodnight My Wonderful Child,
Have sweet dreams and just know I will always protect you. No one will hurt you because you have three people standing in your way: mommy, daddy, and GOD. Just know you can trust me with everything and if you are having a rough time, pray to God and he will guide you. Know mommy and daddy love you and will protect you. Love, Mommy.
Goodnight Son,
I dearly await the day you become the man God will mold you to be. Always stay strong, hopeful, and spirited. You will make mistakes down the road as I have. I might not be the best father but I will work my hardest for you to have a great life. I will always be there for you. God will keep you safe whenever you are. You are my son, given to me by God, the best gift anyone could ask for. Goodnight, my son.
My Everything, (To my adopted child)
You are perfectand you are loved by Daddy and me. God loves you- he gave both you and me life. My Child, I know that you may feel unwanted, unloved, a mess, but you aren’t. Child, pray for peace in your mind and heart if those thoughts ever come in. We love you sweetheart! Come to us and we will be here.
CarolineGod bless, Steve Luke 18:1
www.hawleybooks.com E-mail me at steve@hawleybooks.com
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