Friday, December 21, 2018

Facebook and Shall We Gather At The River?

One of my favorite pics! This is from December 29, 2014.
My devotional last night was about the new Facebook feature called Year In Review in which the social media conglomerate uses some algorithm to pick the eighteen most important pictures of the users' year. The above picture was the photo selected by Facebook as the cover shot for my review. As you can see, I'm not in the photograph but I was the photographer. Let me roll the credits for those of you who don't know the principals featured here:
(mostly obscured in yellow and peach are sisters Ngan and Thuy
from left: Khanh, Nhi, Hai, Linh, Nhung, Kim, Dat) 
Let me set the scene. We are at the river nearby the church building/school where I have worked alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ the past four years in Can Tho, Vietnam. After studying with her cousin, Hai, who is the evangelist, Nhi committed to put her Lord on in baptism. As the church has no baptistery, immersions into Christ are in the river. To maintain a low profile, the location is somewhat isolated but I was so proud of the group as they sang hymns before, during, and after Nhi and Hai walked down into the stream. Nhi emerged from the water a new creature with her sins washed away by the blood of Jesus. So, I have to give credit where credit is due: Facebook got it right. This was the most important moment of the year for me as well as for Nhi. Good job, Mark Zuckerberg and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Applicable quote of the day, # 1:
"Yes, we’ll gather at the river,
The beautiful, the beautiful river;
Gather with the saints at the river
That flows by the throne of God."
Robert Lowry

Applicable quote of the day, # 2:

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