Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I AM ................

My classes just finished studying the seven I AM statements Jesus made in the Gospel of John. If you aren't familiar with them, here they are!
I am the bread of life.
I am the true vine.
I am the good shepherd.
I am the gate for the sheep.
I am the light of the world.
I am the resurrection and the life.
I am the way, the truth, and the life.

I gave my students the assignment of coming up with their own I AM statements which would define them. Over several nights, I will post some of them. They are brutally honest and all are used with permission, boys in blue and girls in pink!

I am a lazy boy and always sleepy.
I am a boy who has lost much of his chance for success.
I am a boy afraid of God's plan for his life.
I am the girl who wishes people would stop discriminating.
I am the girl who must make an A but who hates to study.

I am the boy who can admit to his mistakes.
I am the girl who breaks down over simple things.

I am the girl who searches for someone.
I am the girl confused by love.
I am the girl who loves to be different but not looked at differently.
I am the girl who thinks she is invisible.
I am the girl who hates her hair.
I am the girl with the horrifying laugh.

I am the boy who doesn't have faith in God in difficult times.
I am the guy who wants to love my mom more.
I am the guy who makes excuses like not going on mission trips.
I am the guy who loves sports but doesn't play them at school.
I am the girl who understands her dad more than her mom.
I am the girl whose sarcasm gets her into trouble and people get hurt.
I am the girl who relies on her best friend every step of the way.
I am the girl who looks forward to the future so much she can't stay in the present.
I am the boy hiding his true identity.
I am the boy too busy taking other people's advice to take his own.
I am the boy who thinks he is never good enough.
I am the guy who doesn't get a break in life.
I am the guy trying to find a spiritually active friend.
I am the girl who constantly picks out her own flaws.
I am the girl who knows how to put up a wall.

I am the girl who can't sleep out of fear of the unknown.
I am the kid who is confused.
I am the boy caught between two paths.
I am the boy who thinks he is smarter than he truly is.
I am the boy who doesn't understand girls.
I am the boy who rarely wastes food.
I am the boy who is trying to start a business.
I am the boy who is imperfect.
I am the boy who needs a real dad.
I am the boy whose dreams make him look silly.
I am the boy who feels guilty for not showing guilt.
I am the boy who needs to find his true friends.
I am the girl who doesn't like to go home.
I am the girl who only trusts one person.
I am the girl afraid of oblivion.
I am the girl who would rather get hurt than hurt others.
I am the girl who reads books to escape the real world.
I am the boy who makes good grades but who is disorganized.
I am the who wants a good future for his family.
I am the with bad friends he thinks he can help.
I am the boy who has conversations with himself.
I am the boy who thinks music is the best poetry.
I am the boy who tries to have personal talks with God.

God bless,
Luke 18:1

E-mail me at steve@hawleybooks.com

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