Thursday, February 07, 2013

The Good Samaritan Act II

This is the second installment of rewritten looks at the Parable of the Good Samaritan.  My students weave some surprising twists into their versions of Jesus' famous story of mercy. The young men authors are sophomores and the young lady is an eighth grader. Hope you enjoy them! All are used by permission.

It was rush hour and the best baseball player in the school was driving to practice. On the way, a car ran a red light and hit the back of his vehicle, spinning him out. The car flew by and never stopped. The baseball player pushed his car into the gas station at the corner of the street. Since this player left early, he assumed one of his teammates or coach would drive by so he waited. A few minutes later, his good friend and teammate rolled the window and screams out, “That stinks! Have fun getting that fixed,” and drives off. Next, his coach drives by, sees him- he just keeps driving. After 30 minutes with no help, he sees a car pull in. The door opened and he is astonished by who stopped. It was the teacher in whose class he had just got in big trouble! He thought the teacher hated him. The teacher got out and assisted him and  even helped pay for the damage.    

Once there was a girl whose father had died only four days before and she was still grieving. Teachers said they were sorry for her loss but they didn't really care. Her closest friends just left her alone thinking she needed space. Her own family was too wrapped up in grief and funeral plans to know she was dying inside. One day, a boy - you know that one boy you see everywhere but you never know his name or think he knows yours - walked over to her when she was sitting alone at lunch. He told her about his mother dying. The girl had been bottling up her feelings so much that when he was finished with his story, she hugged him and just let the tears run down her face. She later told him about all the good times she had with her father and a week later the girl and boy started to make memories of their own.

There was once a girl walking home from the corner store. A car sped by and ran over a large puddle that soaked her and caused her to drop her groceries. As she was trying to pick them up, her friends walked by and ignored her. Then her ex-boyfriend walked by, simply looked and said, “That’s what you get for thinking I wasn't good enough!” Finally, a guy who had admired her for awhile stopped, helped with her groceries, and offered her his hoodie. She then gave him her number and went on their first date the next day. They are dating to this day.

Applicable quote of the day:
      No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions - he had money, too
Margaret Thatcher 

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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