Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sophomore Blessings

We began working on one of my favorite memory verses in all five classes last week. Last Friday, my sophomores and eighth graders wrote The Blessing Of Aaron for a grade. Found in Numbers 6:24-26, God commanded the first high priest of Israel to use these words to bless his chosen people:
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

We spoke of the human need for approval and how parents can have such an effect on the self-worth of their children. We talked of bedtime rituals and how moms and dads can make their kids feel important and ease their fears. I told them about how our folks tucked us in when we were small, prayed with us, and kissed us good-night. With that discussion as background, I gave each student a sheet of paper and had them pen a bedtime blessing to the child they will bring into the world in future years. The next several nights, I'll let some of them speak for me. Boys are in blue, girls in pink, and all are used with permission!

Dear wonderful child, you are my blood, and I will always be here to support you in every decision you make. God has given me a chance to have an amazing child, with an amazing woman. You are the light of our generation, and I know you will make the right decisions. Don’t ever take a day for granted, because it is not promised. You must take advantage of every day that you are living because it can be taken away. You can always come to me and the Lord, because you already know that we’ll listen. I’m here to support you, and pick you up when you fall. No matter how old we get, we will always be right by your side. We’re family and we will never judge you; you are the best. Goodnight, and may you have a good night’s sleep. Take care, I shall see you when you awake. I love you.
-Justin Chiu

Sweet child, you are a blessing. Know that I will never leave you. You are the light in my life. I love you more with each passing day. No matter what choices you make, I am here. May God help you overcome your obstacles and empower you everyday. I pray each and every day that you grow up to be an amazing person with your dreams fulfilled. No matter what you need to say or seek advice on, I am here. God is here. Thank God each day for the chance to see another sunrise. I will never leave you, I love you, and I thank God everyday for the gift he has bestowed me with. I love you no matter what. You are amazing and surprise me continually with how much you grow spiritually, intellectually, and physically. May God bless you and comfort you. Once again, I love you.
-Cassie Talbert

Dear Son, sleep now and awake tomorrow to another day God has set before you. My wish is for you to come to realize how much God loves and cares for you. Whenever you have a nightmare, I will only be a room away. Whenever you have problems, I want to solve them for you. My love will be unending and forever more. Your blessings are with me, and I will support you through every choice. I love you, and know God and I are here for you.
-Jacob Strom

My dear little blessing, thank you for being all that you are. Please don’t change for anyone except God. As long as you follow His word, pray, and love your parents, then you will live a rich and prosperous life as promised in the Word of God. I will never under any circumstances tell you anything that will harm you! My sweet child, always remember that your mother and your Heavenly Father love you more than any earthly thing. -Love, Your Favorite Woman in the World!
-Laura Nelson

A blessing to my little princess: no matter how old you get or how mad you are at me, I will always love you. Although my emotions are not vivid, just know that you are the absolute most important thing in my life. Whether you are frustrated, happy, or just want to talk, know that I am here. With the strength of the Almighty God, I will be your shield and although I cannot promise you the world, I will try my hardest to obtain it. Thank God, stay strong, and trust your dad.
-Chege Gitau

My son, the most precious gift of God has given me. I know I may not be the best father, but know that I love you and that God loves you as well. Whenever you need me, know that God and I will always be there for you when you need us. My life was full of struggles and hard times, but from my experiences, I will do everything I can, if God allows. I’ll be able to give you a better life and future than what I had. I know that I’ll always be there to protect you. I am your father, your best friend, and no matter what, know that I will always love you.
P.S., If you ever feel alone read the scripture that I always read when I felt all alone; Romans 8:38-40
-Jose Martinez

God bless,
Luke 18:1

E-mail me at steve@hawleybooks.com

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