Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Grandparents (Mike White)

Mike White is a great friend of mine who has written entries for me before. Mike has been to Honduras with me and is our Director Of Guidance at WCS. Pictured above are Mike with wife Jennifer, daughter Madison, and son Drew. Mike wrote this in response to my student takes on The One.

My grandparents were married for 54 years when my grandmother passed away. She was 69 when she died and had been sick for a long time. She had diabetes and because of gangrene, had both legs amputated below the knee. I can remember my grandmother telling us that she could still feel her feet itching even though they were not there. That did not make sense to me, and to an extent still does not. I now know that she was talking about a psychological phenomenon. The summer after she died, I spent a week with my grandfather. Grandpa White was an amazing man. I look up to him to this day. I don’t know if I have ever known someone to have the kind of character and virtue that my grandfather possessed. I will never forget him telling me that at night he would still reach over to feel Grandma near him and would be disappointed every time. I think he felt the same way Grandma did with her “itching feet.” It was as if someone had physically removed a part of his body. To me, that is what marriage is all about. In Genesis, the author refers to marriage as two becoming one. I am a witness to that through my grandparents’ marriage. I hope that if the Lord allows me to live long enough to have grandchildren, they will see that same commitment in Jennifer and I. That is truly a legacy.

God bless,
Luke 18:1

E-mail me at steve@hawleybooks.com

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