Thursday, November 05, 2009

Bedtime Blessings, Part 4

This is our last installment of blessings from my students to their unborn. Most of these were penned by young people who come from outside the US. Vanessa, from Cameroon, wrote hers in French and then translated it into English. The unborn, I can tell, have terrific parents-in-the-making!

"Dear child of mine, I will always be there for you. When you are feeling down or angry, just remember that daddy is here for you. I will teach you the way of the Lord and bring peace to your little heart. I will protect you from evildoers and the evil things of Satan. Sleep well my son and may God protect you always."
Jonathan M, grade 10

''My great child, I love you. You'll get stronger and stronger. I'll protect you when you're growing. No matter what happens, I want you to know I'll always be there with you. I hope you can be safe, and you have to know that there is someone who will always support you- which is me. I love you."
Harris, grade 10

"Dear my lovely, cutest princess. Did you know that you are the most important thing to me? To me, you are the light, the hope of our home; your smile lights up the whole house. May the Lord keep that smile on your face forever so that this house will be full of light and hopes. Goodnight, my sweetheart, and know that the Lord will always be with you and hold you for the rest of your life. I love you, my baby."
Victoria, grade 10

"Dear my child, May the Lord keep you on a straight path to be successful and prosper in this home. When faced with trials, look up to the Lord Almighty for guidance for He will never do you wrong, even if you don't understand. I love you with all of my heart, soul, and mind... forever and ever."
Jonathan S, grade 10

"Before you go sleep, my dearest child, you must know that mommy is looking at the most precious thing in the world right now, and she'll always love you with every little piece of her heart. When you can't sleep or fear comes to wake you, come to my arms as I am always here for you. I love you and always will be until the end. Goodnight, my little angel."
Jessica, grade 10

"Mon joli petit prince; sois remercieux pour ce jour que tu as pu et rivre encore une fois, et dors avec une conscience pleine de grace et videe de rage, parce que tu dois pardonner ceux qui t'ont maltraite au enerve aujourd' hui. Car tu es l'image de Dieu, honores- le, sois un example pour les autres, et s'il-te-plait, sois respectueux envers LUI, et tout le monde aussi. Car moi, ta maman veux que tu le fasses; toi, en retour, devrais vouloir que je fasse la meme chose, comme signe de reciprocite et d'amour. Je te souhaite une nuit belle et benie mon enfant. Je t'aime, et je t'aimerais pour l'eternite. (French Version)

My sweet little prince; be thankful for this day that you have been able to see and live again, and sleep with a mind full of grace, and empty of anger, because you must forgive those who mistreated or angered you today. For you are God''s image; honor Him; be an example to others and be respectful to Him and everyone. For I, your mother, expect you to do that, and you in return should expect me to do the same thing. I wish a very blessed and good night, my baby. I love you and always will!"
Vanessa, grade 12

"Dear my son, Before you go to sleep tonight, don't forget to think about those who don't have things like us, and think about what you have done today and question whether you have done your best. Dad and mom cannot teach everything to you, so teach yourself and if you have questions, come and ask us. We will always be with you. Love you. Dad."
Isarath, grade 11
God bless,
Luke 18:1

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