Sunday, August 09, 2009

The Enemy

For the past three days, my WCS colleagues and I have been preparing for the new year at the Texas Christian School Association Conference in Midland, Texas. For those uninformed in Texas geography, that's a nine hour bus ride from Houston. But, it was a great bonding time and our administration made the journey comfortable and fun. The conference itself was excellent, The headline speaker, Glen Schultz, was forceful in presenting messages about Kingdom Education. The thrust of his message was that we are in a culture war for this generation of kids...and we can't afford to lose. He used a film clip that demonstrates brilliantly the culture in which our young people are coming of age. Please watch the four minute clip below that very accurately portrays our society in a funny...and chilling way.

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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1 comment:

Razgriz said...

Thats really sad. The things that got to me the most was the food and the water. I always feel bad when I see food being wasted, even worse when its me that does it. The water also got to me because it made me think of Philmont where we had to drink water that had been untreated sometimes (one place we got water was straight out of a cow trough) but we had tablets that purified water so no big deal. Its sad when we take what we have for granted. Even waking up is taken for granted. For me at least.