Friday, November 09, 2018

The Clean Slate

My brother, Scott, loves guacamole and makes a mean recipe! Ironically, avocados make me nauseous but like my brother, I like the dish pictured above. It is at the heart of the following entry from January 15, 2009. (PS: The author is now married!!!! But sadly, not to the guy in the story!)

Last spring as I prepared to go on mission trips to China and Honduras, I asked for volunteers from our school family to write for me in my absence. Several teachers accepted the challenge. Another accepted but wanted to make sure her work was perfected. These insights are from one of our faculty members who is using the pseudonym, Anonymous. I bet you like it!

As January rolls around, I’m always reminded of people who make New Year’s Resolutions. I personally am totally opposed to resolutions; however, I love to view this month as the month of second chances. I love starting over. Having a clean slate, everything from the past year is erased with new opportunities for change. “This year I’ll make the little things count.” “This year I’ll spend more time with my family and friends.” “This year I’ll spend more time in the word.” We all have things we wish we were better at doing, more disciplined with in our lives. An old friend of mine recently moved back in to town; Coach Hawley refers to him as the Guacamole Guy. In talking to Coach Hawley, it has become apparent that Guacamole Guy is trying to win his way back in… trying for a second chance. Coach Hawley always asks me if I’ve given in yet or if I will break down and give GG another go. Maybe I will- I think people deserve second chances. After all, isn’t our God the God of second chances? Didn’t he wipe our slate clean? Didn’t He allow the bottom of society to do amazing things for Him? I’m considering making this the year of second chances, forgiving without being asked, and wiping the slate clean for others in hopes that they will wipe the slate clean for me. Don’t we all need second chances?

Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

God bless,
Luke 18:1
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1 comment:

astrosfreak09 said...

I think that people deserve second chances...I think that God wants us to give others second chances because there's things that we miss the first time in someone. I think...When we release someone from our lives, they stay away for certain reasons, but if they come back, they have a purpose and that's for us to see what we weren't able to see before.
God Bless
Downtown Brown