Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Little Bit Of Heaven (Joe Widick)

When we were in Honduras, there were many special moments. There were times when we had tears of sadness in our eyes; at other times there were tears of joy. There were times when all was well and other times we thought that if I have to go one more mile in this school bus I will scream (school busses were not designed for adults). One of those special occasions came at the end of a long bus ride up into the hills to a little community called Santa Ana. I have been going to Honduras since 1988 and had never heard or seen this place. Property has been bought and on that property they have built a clinic to meet the physical needs of the people in the community. They have also constructed a functional building for worship. The final set of buildings is a home for children. It is called Casa de Esperanza or for us gringos House of Hope. That is exactly what it is, a house of hope. Currently there are 15 children who live there. When we first arrived at the sight, we were taken to the church building to get an introduction to the property. The director of the children’s home along with the minister told some of the history of the facility. Then they introduced us to a little 4-5 year old boy who had come from an abusive situation. It was so terrible that the director really didn’t want to share with us what had happened to the boy. She stated that when he first came, he had to be held constantly (holding his arms down so he wouldn’t be hitting). Patience, care and love has won the young boy over. Each night he has the song “Jesus Love Me” sung to him. The highlight of this visit came when the director gave the microphone to the little boy and he sang “Jesus Loves Me” in English to each of us. When he got to the part of the song that says; “…we are weak but He is strong” he smiled and flexed his muscle. I don’t know about the rest in the group but as for me there was a smile on my face and a tear in my eye. God is so good. Those who had no hope are now given the opportunity to have hope. Those who saw no love are now being loved. Those who didn’t know what it was to have a bed or clean clothes now have both. There are so many opportunities within our community and those communities throughout the world to make a difference. While we were there, George and Stephonia received a special gift that will always remind them of making a difference in the lives of others. Remember what Jesus said toward the end of His time on earth; “I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was naked and you clothed me…” I am so thankful for the many blessing I have, I am also ashamed that from time to time I take these rich blessings for granted.
Prayer Thought: Help me to remember that You are the giver of all good and perfect gifts.

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