Kari brought me lunch yesterday. A senior about to graduate, Kari is a high school office aide fourth period when I eat. My lunches are predictable and meant to be consumed quickly so I can save thirty minutes of cafeteria time. Most days, I eat my yogurt and deli sliced chicken in the office where it has been stored in the community refrigerator. I think Kari felt sorry for me redundantly having the same meal everyday so I was informed that she would supply my lunch one day. It wasn't elaborate- pasta, mixed fruit, a cheese stick, bottled water- but it was excellent and thoughtful. She even made the pasta herself! It broke my mundane routine of repetitive noon dinners but it was more than that. Kari made an effort to be kind and considerate. It wasn't that I go hungry but she wanted me to have a special day before she becomes one of our alumni. She succeeded.
Sometimes we stumble into doing something for others but more often it is a deliberate act. In Psalm 109, David wrote of an enemy that, "he never thought of doing a kindness..." Being kind takes a conscious effort and becomes who we are. In Colossians 3:12, Paul lists the clothing requirements of the righteous: kindness is strategically placed between compassion and humility. Our students come attired in school uniforms but anyone's wardrobe would be enhanced by accessorizing with those attributes. Kari comes to Westbury Christian outfitted in kindness. When Senior Superlatives are announced, she is a lock to win Best Dressed. I just wish we could market what she wears!
Applicable quote of the day:
"Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together."
God bless,
Luke 18:1
E-mail me at steve@hawleybooks.com
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