Alfonso Soriano refused to go to work yesterday. For the non-fan, Soriano plays baseball for the Washington Nationals. He's been a second baseman during his career but his new team wants him to shift to the outfield. Soriano was in the lineup Monday for the Nats, penciled in as leadoff hitter and left fielder. But when the Nationals ran to their positions in the first inning of their exhibition game versus the Los Angeles Dodgers, left field was vacant. Soriano refused to play if not at second base. The problem is, the Nationals have Jose Vidro, far superior defensively, already as their second baseman. Soriano made it clear in his previous stops with the New York Yankees and the Texas Rangers that he would resist attempts to reclassify him as an outfielder. The Nationals management made it clear that if he still refuses to play by Thursday, Soriano will be placed on the disqualified list, meaning he will not be paid and will not accumulate time towards free agency. How much will Mr. Soriano be recompensed for his skills this season, assuming he has a season? His paltry salary will be only $10,000,000.00! Is it possible he will continue his refusal, knowing what is at stake? Maybe he is trying to force a trade. If that is the case, his value is diminishing daily. Others have changed positions for the good of their teams, most notably Alex Rodriguez, who shifted from shortstop to third base for the Yankees. The Nationals should have foreseen this when they traded for Soriano last winter. However, it is hard to believe Soriano will muster any sympathy from fans who feel athletes are over-paid and spoiled.
Like Alfonso Soriano, I am the employee of an organization. My belief is that I am bound not only by my contract but also by my conscience to be the best employee possible. The Bible gives admonitions to both bosses and workers concerning effort and reasonable compensation for labor. Paul says our work is really for the Lord and not man. Even though he was speaking to slaves in that passage in Colossians, wouldn't our whole economy be blessed if both sides lived up to that teaching? I would think that lockouts and strikes would disappear or at least be significantly diminished with that proviso being added to bargaining agreements. And Alfonso Soriano would not have to put up with being mistreated for only $10 million per year.
Applicable quote of the day:
"By working faithfully eight hours a day, you eventually may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day."
Robert Frost
God bless,
Steve (Willing to play left field for $10 million!)
Luke 18:1
E-mail me at steve@hawleybooks.com
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You Have a interesting blog
God Bless You
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