Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Scent Of A Swimmer

 Scent Of A Swimmer

Hopefully, we smell like hope to the world! This is from July 1, 2016.

Diamond is one of my all-time favorite students. She came to WCS as a junior from a big school in Houston, graduating with the Class of 2015. She loves Westbury Christian so much she's in her second summer working in our Admissions Office during college vacation, giving tours and speaking with prospective students and parents. To me, the best advocates for a school are satisfied parents and alumni. Diamond is simply a gem, if you pardon the pun. She is just wonderful. 

Yesterday, I was busy with my checklist for my trip to Vietnam which begins in four days. I found  myself in the main lobby with several other WCS folks. I'm not even sure what we were talking about. Diamond was there in the group when out of the blue, she said:
"Someone's been swimming- I smell chlorine!"
She was right and I confessed. After my 5:45 AM trip to a Super WAL-MART for trip supplies, I'd briefly napped before doing a leg workout followed by pool time at Chancellor's Family Center. Here's the funny thing. I had changed clothes, showered, applied antiperspirant followed by a hint of Lucky You Cologne and still Diamond was positive that I, or someone in her vicinity, had been in the pool. Women just know.

Some scents stick with us. One Wednesday night Bible study in Tennessee, I was sitting with Chip Vanatta and his lovely wife, Valerie, who smelled wonderful! I asked Valerie what perfume she was wearing; she told me Red Door. I immediately took out my Day-Timer and wrote, "I want my wife to wear Red Door!" Well, still no spouse yet but I have the fragrance picked out! The scriptures tell us as believers, we give off a scent just like Valerie. Four times in three verses in 2 Corinthians 2, Paul uses the term aroma to describe how the world reacts to disciples. But he says the same odor is open to different interpretations, depending on those with whom we interact. We have all used the phrase life or death offhandedly- but that's exactly what Paul says we smell like in our spiritual walks, death to one group and life to the other. That's a pretty sizable distinction!

This evening as I pulled into my apartment gate, I saw a man leaning on a tree next to the fire station directly behind our complex. When I had driven to the store twenty minutes previously, he was laying in the grass. I drove inside the gate and walked back out to check on him. His said his name is Dennis and he told me he was all right followed by a condensed version of his life story. I can sum up his present circumstances in one sentence from his own mouth: 
"I like to drink beer." 
And that's what he smelled like. After hugs and telling me three or four times he loved me, Dennis ambled off in the direction of the Whataburger a block away. Tomorrow, sadly, Dennis will probably still smell like the Busch Beer he had in his hand. And maybe Diamond can still get a whiff of chlorine when I am in her company. But will I smell like life or death to the world? Depends who you ask.... or it will if I am who I should be.

Applicable quote of the day:
"Even in high school, I'd tell my mom I was sick of swimming and wanted to try to play golf. She wasn't too happy. She'd say, 'Think about this.' And I'd always end up getting back in the pool."
Michael Phelps

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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