Sunday, August 25, 2024

Neither Rain Nor Snow.....

 Neither Rain Nor Snow.....

 This is about weather and it's from February 5, 2012.

Sometimes, I miss Nebraska. I don't miss the cold- it was 12 degrees in my hometown this morning according to I do miss the snow as seen in this picture taken yesterday by Cindi Toms Heiden, one of my FACEBOOK friends who lives in York, the community where she and I were both raised.
That's what I remember growing up; snow. With it came snowball fights, snow forts, snow men, sledding, and a tasty delicacy, snow ice cream. In Texas, it's rain and hurricanes. Last year was a terrible drought; twenty-five inches below normal which caused all sorts of problems, some I would never have imagined like busted water lines and crumbling parking lots. So far in this new year, we are more than three inches over average which means, using illogical projections, we'll make up last year's shortage by late August. I doubt that's going to happen.

We live in a world largely beyond our control, don't we? We can somewhat predict the weather but we can't change it. We adapt to it ...or we can move somewhere else which will have its own meteorological patterns. We can't predict what's going to happen in our lives, either. We can take precautions to protect ourselves from the unexpected and traumatic but in the end, we have to overcome and sometimes accept the hand we are dealt. I would have never guessed my mother would become an Alzheimer's statistic or my dad would suffer a debilitating stroke but when those things came about, complaining was useless. As believers, we have a hope that things will get better, if not here than certainly in our next existence. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 13 that there will come a time when we will know, when things will be understandable. If you're like me, it's still a little bit fuzzy today. I think we're all just waiting for that everlasting break in the clouds. No more rain, no more snow, no more forecasts, and no more problems. And that, my friends, will be the best of all seasons.

Applicable quote of the day:
"Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get."
Mark Twain

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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