Sunday, August 11, 2024

All That Matters


All That Matters

We had our MEET THE COACH get together last Friday night and  I saw a number of our players for the coming year. There is a bond that exists when you coach and you almost have to coach to really know that bond. I've been blessed to coach many wonderful youngsters over the years- this is for them. This post is from October 10, 2010 and the young ladies in the above shot are now in their later twenties.

I once heard famed basketball coach Don Meyer say that, ''The only team that matters is the one you stack it up with.'' With that being said, this is the only team that matters to me. These ten girls- Aeriel, Ashlee, Bryanna, Jada, Taylor, Laura, Mary, Sydney, Autumn, Ruby- will be the Westbury Christian School Lady Wildcats, middle school version for 2010-11. On some days we struggle but every day, we pray together. We will win some games on our twenty game journey but the most important indicator of our excellence will be the individual and group growth we share. If you want to know why coaches coach, I'll give you ten reasons. Just count the girls in the picture above.

Applicable quote of the day:
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”
Ryunosuke Satoro

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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