Friday, June 21, 2024

Fit To A Tee


Fit To A Tee

This weird story is from June 21, 2020!
After my afternoon workout yesterday, I ran to the nearby WAL-MART Neighborhood Market for a couple of items to tide me over until next week. I often bump into someone I know; last week, it was former students Josh and William who I don't think know each other but who would likely know each others' siblings. I'm still confused by the arrows at WAL-MART, making aisles one way shopping, but I'm getting the hang of it. I often leave my cart in an aisle and go look for something else- I don't make lists so I can't risk forgetting! This means extra steps as I obediently observe right of way which seems more of a suggestion than an enforceable policy. I was walking in front of the meat section when I was startled to see a WCS t-shirt identical to mine shown above except it was likely a small in size. I did a double take; it was one of our spirit wear shirts at least three years old. The shirt was being worn by a young lady who was with three others, looking to be a family unit. And then, I recognized my former pupil, an international student! We had to pull our masks down to make sure but it was her... and me! I didn't know the folks she was with- many of our kids from other countries live with guardians who often are relatives. I waved  good-bye and that was it- not a time for pleasantries and small talk in the middle of a pandemic.

Here's what's interesting about my encounter inspired by Westbury Christian gear- it wasn't my student wearing the t-shirt. The girl outfitted in our school apparel looked to be about ten years old and I'm confident I have never seen her before. I would guess my student outgrew it and passed it down.  It doesn't matter. The only reason I was able to  make the connection was the Gildan Ultra Cotton top. I recognized the shirt because it's unique to our school and to that specific year. The message? Faith is the victory on the front and being born of God from 1st John 5:4 on the back. You can't go wrong with the Word!

Every year, I tell my students that the term born again Christian is redundant; Jesus tells Nicodemus we must be born again to enter the kingdom. When  born physically, which in a roundabout way we celebrate with Father's Day, we arrive kicking and screaming, without any say so  and  bereft of covering. But when we become Christians, we make the most conscious decision of our lives and the most amazing clothing is bestowed upon us! Paul in Galatians 3:26-27 tells us as much:
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,  for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 
When we belong to Jesus, we have a new wardrobe! There's a catch to the t-shirt that started this conversation; our students can only wear it one day per week, on Fridays, designated as Spirit Wear Day. The clothing we get from our commitment to follow the Lord will be worn every day of our existence here below. It never needs washing, we don't outgrow it, and it doesn't get frayed or tattered. We are told that those in heaven wear robes so we just keep getting upgraded! On earth, many schools, both public and private, require uniforms as a matter of identification as do military branches and athletic teams. I'm not saying me wearing my Mariners' t shirt makes me Ken Griffey, Jr. but what we wear can indicate where our heart is and what we plan as our destination. And that's the victory I saw Saturday in WAL-MART. 

Applicable quote of  the day:
I've always thought of the T-shirt as the Alpha and Omega of the fashion alphabet.
Giorgio Armani

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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