Saturday, December 04, 2021

Scent Of A Spa


Getting close to Christmas! This is from December 30, 2017!
I'm a week into my holiday trip to Kansas. The first six days were spent at Dave and Sally's home with their kiddos. Since then, I've moved several miles from there to spend the rest of my time with Scott and Karen and two of their kids. It's a perfect set up for me- as soon as one family gets tired of me, I switch families! My sisters-in-law take good care of me and I am very grateful for that! I opened Christmas presents last Saturday with Dave and Sally's group and will do so tonight with Scott and Karen and company. It also happens to be Scott's birthday so a little bit extra in the present department for him! I've got all of my shopping done so I'm ready to give which we know is more blessed than receiving but I don't mind that part at all. Maybe I'll let you know what Santa delivered to me in future blogs!

I've got the Christmas shopping down to a science with almost everyone in my family. For example, I always buy my niece, Karis, what she really likes- a gift card from the Fresh Spa Market. Karen and I think this may be the sixth or seventh year in a row I've entered that establishment to purchase my gift. Two things I can count on during this venture. One is that I'll be the only guy on the premises. The second is that it always smells great in its confines. As the nice lady at the counter prepared my order, I told her to write KARIS in the recipient line. Her response was the same as always- 'we love Karis!' I concurred! As I took the gift bag from the woman, I complimented her on the fragrance associated with this place. I found her reply very funny and probably very accurate:

We have the best smelling trash in town!
When I walked out the door into the car where Dave was waiting, I was still laughing and told him I might have just received a blog idea. I never know where they come from. I'm betting on the Lord!

Sweet smelling trash- that's a novel concept! We associate garbage with foul odors for good reason but in this case, it isn't true. When even the refuse is aromatic, what a blessing. There are people we know like that- that even on their worst days, they bring joy and make a place or situation better. I've had players and students and colleagues on both sides of that equation. You love to see them coming or you dread their approach. What does it say about us if others pray we don't cross their path? Or what does it say about us if they pray we do? Paul talks about believers being an aroma but that can always be perceived in more than one way. Am I an aroma of life or death, of sweetness or bitterness? Of a flower bed or a dumpster reeking of decay? It's my choice and it has nothing to do with the cologne I'm likely to receive under the tree. Good smells compel us while foul smells repel us. I pray the scent we give off is a magnet pulling the lost in our direction much as a magnet attracts metal. And praise God for delectable dumpsters!

Applicable quote of the day: 
If you want someone to miss you, go secretly and spray your fragrance somewhere. 
Blake Lively

God bless,
Luke 18:1

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