Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Saturday Night LIVE!

If you have never taught middle school, there's just not much way to explain it except it is an evolving and unfolding life drama. This is from April 22, 2012.
We had an event last night at school. Our WCS sixth-seventh-eighth graders were invited to hang out in our gym and many of them did. My rough estimate would be about half of our middle school was in the house but I did not take roll. I can tell you how many of the girls on my basketball team were present- six out of nine- because coaches normally look for their kids. I was there for about an hour and I left it in the very capable hands of the organizers, MS principal Casey Ferris and campus ministers Casey Lankford and Laren McCormack, as well as teachers Tammy Farris and Cindy McLeod. I was instrumental, though, in the stacking and distributing of the sausage pizza. We all have our gifts. 

I love our school and our kids. I also love the people I work with. Our school is a very diverse place and if you had been with us last night, it would have been evident to you. The neat thing is that we are so used to it, we take it for granted. It hit me, as I reflected, that our seventh day assembly was much like a worship service. All were invited but not all could be there for one reason or another. Some brought guests- one young lady visiting told me she will be with us next fall! Some mingled more than others and all of them were dressed much differently than on a normal day, due to our school uniforms which I love and many of them dislike. And then it was time to eat a simple meal. Pizza and cookies were served, washed down by water and Gatorade. There was no seating chart but at this age, there always is unofficially. For the most part, they broke down by grade and gender but lines were crossed and as far as an untrained teacher's eye could tell, all were welcomed wherever they chose to plant themselves. Seating arrangements always seem to work themselves out.

I mentioned our  Saturday gathering this morning as I spoke before communion in the Chinese-speaking portion of our congregation this morning. The meal we share as believers is simple but so very symbolic. When we eat together, barriers are broken down at the foot of the cross. In my Bible classes, I point out out that a common complaint against Jesus by the religious leaders was that He had the gall to eat with tax collectors/sinners. We discuss that eating together implies equality. I tell the kids that in the cafeteria, second graders eat with second graders, sophomores eat with sophomores, and teachers eat with teachers. We note that in the civil rights movement, great pains were taken to integrate eating establishments because of the concept that sharing food denotes a level playing field, at least theoretically. And when we take the bread and the cup, we are equal in the eyes of the Savior, no matter our skin color or nationality or social standing or gender or age or language. And as we commune with our God and our brothers and sisters, our souls are fed in ways that many will never comprehend........but they could if they had the chance and took the opportunity. There's always next week, Lord willing. There is much room at the table.

Applicable quote of the day:
The perfect church service,would be one we were almost unaware of.
Our attention would have been on God.

C.S. Lewis

God bless,

Luke 18:1
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