Sunday, July 25, 2010

Meet Mike White! (Mike White)

This is an entry from one of my good friends, Mike White, who has written for this blog before. Mike is the Director Of Counseling at Westbury Christian School, the husband of Jennifer, and the father of Drew and Madison. I know you'll enjoy his thoughts!

For Sale: Direct Contact with Mike White
You can have direct personal contact with
The one and only Mike White from
Westbury Christian School.
Price: $500,000
That’s right only $500,000 gets you a personal
One on one meeting with Mike White.
Just think of the things you can ask him for such a low price!

Can you imagine anyone paying $500,000 to meet you? I giggled a little as I wrote this fake add. I have no idea why anyone would pay any amount of money to meet with me. Yet someone was willing to pay more than that to meet with Prince Andrew. What’s the difference between meeting him and meeting me? I guess Prince of England might have a little more power than the guidance counselor for a small private Christian school in Houston, Texas. You must be shocked to find this out.

As absurd as that may sound to us, this reminds me of how desperate people were in the Bible to meet with Jesus. I think of all of the people who crowded Jesus and his disciples to the point that Jesus would escape to a mountain top or fishing boat for reprieve. I think of the man who was lowered through a roof so he could walk again. I think of the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years who just wanted to brush up against Jesus’ clothes in order to be healed. These people in some cases were risking their safety and their way of life to meet Jesus.

Remember Jairus? He was one of those people that desperately wanted Jesus to heal his daughter. He was a synagogue ruler and probably would take some serious heat for going to Jesus. The risk was worth it. He went and his daughter lived.

What kind of value do we place on the message of Jesus today? I don’t know that I have personally given it the value that it should have. In Christ we have freedom from sin and hope of eternal life. How valuable is that? Yet, how many people have I shared that with in the last 24 hours? I work for a Christian school and sometimes I get the attitude that by working there, I am absolved from telling anyone else about Christ. Yet, I am not. Jesus’ commission or marching orders to us was to go into all of the world with the purpose of teaching and baptizing.

This also brings to mind the question, how much would I pay for a meeting with Jesus? How valuable do I make the time I can devote to Him in prayer and meditation? How valuable do I make the time I spend studying and learning from His word?

These are simple thoughts and are not meant to sound judgmental. If they are judgmental to anyone, that person is me. My challenge to all of us (including me) is to start today by placing the value on Jesus that He deserves. He gave His life. How much are we willing to give for Him?

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