Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Seth

Please join us in wishing Seth a Happy Birthday from afar. Seth will spend his 23rd birthday in Afghanistan, away from his wife, infant son, parents, grandmother, brother and sister, and many other relatives keeping him in prayer. It has been an eventful year for my nephew who was born on this day in 1986 in Lubbock, Texas to my brother, Scott, and his lovely wife, Karen. The past twelve months have seen the deaths of both a grandmother and grandfather, his deployment to a war zone, being away from his beautiful wife, Lauren, and the birth of his adorable son, Noah. Lord willing, Seth will be coming back to the United States in January. We used to go to the movie of Seth's choosing every Christmas Eve to make sure his birthday did not get overlooked. Honestly, I saw many forgettable films over the years but what remains unforgettable is that my nephew has turned into a fine young husband, father, soldier, and Christian. Many are away from family this holiday season. We pray that they can all come home soon. Happy birthday, Seth.

God bless,
Uncle Steve
Luke 18:1

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