Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thursday Update On Dad

The big news tonight is the weather in St. Louis. The caregiver was not able to get in because of the icy roads and another round of sleet/freezing rain is expected tonight. Sandy thinks the roads are passable but the driveway, one hundred seventy-five feet long, is glazed over. Dad has a doctor's appointment tomorrow and Sandy really believes he needs to make it in if at all possible. This is neat. Sandy was supposed to come in both December and January but because Jessica, her daughter, was pregnant and Dad was thought to be contagious with his digestive infection, she delayed her trip. If she had made it to St. Louis then, Dad would be all alone now. We are blessed by God's wisdom! Please pray that there are no complications from this storm and that Dad overcomes his sluggishness.
God bless,
Luke 18:1
E-mail me (or Dad) at

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